Teleswagger - the Ruby gem for the Telegram bot API
This is a swagger defenition for Telegram bot API.
This SDK is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:
- API version: 3.6
- Package version: 0.0.1
- Build date: 2018-02-27T21:54:02.002+04:00
- Build package: class io.swagger.codegen.languages.RubyClientCodegen
Build a gem
To build the Ruby code into a gem:
gem build teleswagger.gemspec
Then either install the gem locally:
gem install ./teleswagger-0.0.1.gem
(for development, run gem install --dev ./teleswagger-0.0.1.gem
to install the development dependencies)
or publish the gem to a gem hosting service, e.g. RubyGems.
Finally add this to the Gemfile:
gem 'teleswagger', '~> 0.0.1'
Install from Git
If the Ruby gem is hosted at a git repository:, then add the following in the Gemfile:
gem 'teleswagger', :git => ''
Include the Ruby code directly
Include the Ruby code directly using -I
as follows:
ruby -Ilib script.rb
Getting Started
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following code:
# Load the gem
require 'teleswagger'
api_instance =
token = "token_example" # String | bot's token to authorize the request
opts = {
body: # EditMessageLiveLocationBody |
result = api_instance.edit_message_live_location(token, , opts)
p result
rescue Teleswagger::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling AttachmentsApi->edit_message_live_location: #{e}"
Documentation for API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
Teleswagger::AttachmentsApi | edit_message_live_location | POST /bottoken/editMessageLiveLocation | |
Teleswagger::AttachmentsApi | get_file | GET /bottoken/getFile | |
Teleswagger::AttachmentsApi | send_audio | POST /bottoken/sendAudio | |
Teleswagger::AttachmentsApi | send_audio_link | POST /bottoken/sendAudio#link | |
Teleswagger::AttachmentsApi | send_contact | POST /bottoken/sendContact | |
Teleswagger::AttachmentsApi | send_document | POST /bottoken/sendDocument | |
Teleswagger::AttachmentsApi | send_document_link | POST /bottoken/sendDocument#link | |
Teleswagger::AttachmentsApi | send_location | POST /bottoken/sendLocation | |
Teleswagger::AttachmentsApi | send_media_group_link | POST /bottoken/sendMediaGroup#link | |
Teleswagger::AttachmentsApi | send_photo | POST /bottoken/sendPhoto | |
Teleswagger::AttachmentsApi | send_photo_link | POST /bottoken/sendPhoto#link | |
Teleswagger::AttachmentsApi | send_sticker | POST /bottoken/sendSticker | |
Teleswagger::AttachmentsApi | send_sticker_link | POST /bottoken/sendSticker#link | |
Teleswagger::AttachmentsApi | send_venue | POST /bottoken/sendVenue | |
Teleswagger::AttachmentsApi | send_video | POST /bottoken/sendVideo | |
Teleswagger::AttachmentsApi | send_video_link | POST /bottoken/sendVideo#link | |
Teleswagger::AttachmentsApi | send_video_note | POST /bottoken/sendVideoNote | |
Teleswagger::AttachmentsApi | send_video_note_link | POST /bottoken/sendVideoNote#link | |
Teleswagger::AttachmentsApi | send_voice | POST /bottoken/sendVoice | |
Teleswagger::AttachmentsApi | send_voice_link | POST /bottoken/sendVoice#link | |
Teleswagger::AttachmentsApi | stop_message_live_location | POST /bottoken/stopMessageLiveLocation | |
Teleswagger::CallbacksApi | answer_callback_query | POST /bottoken/answerCallbackQuery | |
Teleswagger::ChatsApi | delete_chat_photo | POST /bottoken/deleteChatPhoto | |
Teleswagger::ChatsApi | delete_chat_sticker_set | GET /bottoken/deleteChatStickerSet | |
Teleswagger::ChatsApi | export_chat_invite_link | GET /bottoken/exportChatInviteLink | |
Teleswagger::ChatsApi | get_chat | GET /bottoken/getChat | |
Teleswagger::ChatsApi | get_chat_administrators | GET /bottoken/getChatAdministrators | |
Teleswagger::ChatsApi | get_chat_member | GET /bottoken/getChatMember | |
Teleswagger::ChatsApi | get_chat_members_count | GET /bottoken/getChatMembersCount | |
Teleswagger::ChatsApi | kick_chat_member | GET /bottoken/kickChatMember | |
Teleswagger::ChatsApi | leave_chat | GET /bottoken/leaveChat | |
Teleswagger::ChatsApi | pin_chat_message | POST /bottoken/pinChatMessage | |
Teleswagger::ChatsApi | promote_chat_member | POST /bottoken/promoteChatMember | |
Teleswagger::ChatsApi | restrict_chat_member | POST /bottoken/restrictChatMember | |
Teleswagger::ChatsApi | send_chat_action | GET /bottoken/sendChatAction | |
Teleswagger::ChatsApi | set_chat_description | POST /bottoken/setChatDescription | |
Teleswagger::ChatsApi | set_chat_photo | GET /bottoken/setChatPhoto | |
Teleswagger::ChatsApi | set_chat_sticker_set | GET /bottoken/setChatStickerSet | |
Teleswagger::ChatsApi | set_chat_title | POST /bottoken/setChatTitle | |
Teleswagger::ChatsApi | unban_chat_member | GET /bottoken/unbanChatMember | |
Teleswagger::ChatsApi | unpin_chat_message | POST /bottoken/unpinChatMessage | |
Teleswagger::GamesApi | get_game_high_scores | GET /bottoken/getGameHighScores | |
Teleswagger::GamesApi | send_game | POST /bottoken/sendGame | |
Teleswagger::GamesApi | set_game_score | GET /bottoken/setGameScore | |
Teleswagger::InlineApi | answer_inline_query | POST /bottoken/answerInlineQuery | |
Teleswagger::MessagesApi | delete_message | GET /bottoken/deleteMessage | |
Teleswagger::MessagesApi | edit_message_caption | POST /bottoken/editMessageCaption | |
Teleswagger::MessagesApi | edit_message_reply_markup | POST /bottoken/editMessageReplyMarkup | |
Teleswagger::MessagesApi | edit_message_text | POST /bottoken/editMessageText | |
Teleswagger::MessagesApi | forward_message | POST /bottoken/forwardMessage | |
Teleswagger::MessagesApi | send_message | POST /bottoken/sendMessage | |
Teleswagger::MessagesApi | send_message_bytes | POST /bottoken/sendMessage#bytes | |
Teleswagger::PaymentsApi | answer_pre_checkout_query | GET /bottoken/answerPreCheckoutQuery | |
Teleswagger::PaymentsApi | answer_shipping_query | POST /bottoken/answerShippingQuery | |
Teleswagger::PaymentsApi | send_invoice | POST /bottoken/sendInvoice | |
Teleswagger::StickersApi | add_sticker_to_set | POST /bottoken/addStickerToSet | |
Teleswagger::StickersApi | add_sticker_to_set_link | POST /bottoken/addStickerToSet#link | |
Teleswagger::StickersApi | create_new_sticker_set | POST /bottoken/createNewStickerSet | |
Teleswagger::StickersApi | create_new_sticker_set_link | POST /bottoken/createNewStickerSet#link | |
Teleswagger::StickersApi | delete_sticker_from_set | POST /bottoken/deleteStickerFromSet | |
Teleswagger::StickersApi | get_sticker_set | GET /bottoken/getStickerSet | |
Teleswagger::StickersApi | set_sticker_position_in_set | POST /bottoken/setStickerPositionInSet | |
Teleswagger::StickersApi | upload_sticker_file | POST /bottoken/uploadStickerFile | |
Teleswagger::StickersApi | upload_sticker_file_link | POST /bottoken/uploadStickerFile#link | |
Teleswagger::UpdatesApi | delete_webhook | GET /bottoken/deleteWebhook | |
Teleswagger::UpdatesApi | get_updates | POST /bottoken/getUpdates | |
Teleswagger::UpdatesApi | get_webhook_info | GET /bottoken/getWebhookInfo | |
Teleswagger::UpdatesApi | set_webhook | POST /bottoken/setWebhook | |
Teleswagger::UsersApi | get_me | GET /bottoken/getMe | |
Teleswagger::UsersApi | get_user_profile_photos | GET /bottoken/getUserProfilePhotos |
Documentation for Models
- Teleswagger::AddStickerToSetLinkBody
- Teleswagger::AllowedUpdate
- Teleswagger::Animation
- Teleswagger::AnswerCallbackQueryBody
- Teleswagger::AnswerInlineQueryBody
- Teleswagger::AnswerShippingQueryBody
- Teleswagger::Audio
- Teleswagger::CallbackGame
- Teleswagger::CallbackQuery
- Teleswagger::Chat
- Teleswagger::ChatMember
- Teleswagger::ChatPhoto
- Teleswagger::ChosenInlineResult
- Teleswagger::Contact
- Teleswagger::CreateNewStickerSetLinkBody
- Teleswagger::Document
- Teleswagger::EditMessageCaptionBody
- Teleswagger::EditMessageLiveLocationBody
- Teleswagger::EditMessageReplyMarkupBody
- Teleswagger::EditMessageTextBody
- Teleswagger::Error
- Teleswagger::File
- Teleswagger::ForceReply
- Teleswagger::Game
- Teleswagger::GameHighScore
- Teleswagger::GetUpdatesBody
- Teleswagger::InlineKeyboardButton
- Teleswagger::InlineKeyboardMarkup
- Teleswagger::InlineQuery
- Teleswagger::InlineQueryResultArticle
- Teleswagger::InlineQueryResultAudio
- Teleswagger::InlineQueryResultCachedAudio
- Teleswagger::InlineQueryResultCachedDocument
- Teleswagger::InlineQueryResultCachedGif
- Teleswagger::InlineQueryResultCachedMpeg4Gif
- Teleswagger::InlineQueryResultCachedPhoto
- Teleswagger::InlineQueryResultCachedSticker
- Teleswagger::InlineQueryResultCachedVideo
- Teleswagger::InlineQueryResultCachedVoice
- Teleswagger::InlineQueryResultContact
- Teleswagger::InlineQueryResultDocument
- Teleswagger::InlineQueryResultGame
- Teleswagger::InlineQueryResultGif
- Teleswagger::InlineQueryResultLocation
- Teleswagger::InlineQueryResultMpeg4Gif
- Teleswagger::InlineQueryResultPhoto
- Teleswagger::InlineQueryResultVenue
- Teleswagger::InlineQueryResultVideo
- Teleswagger::InlineQueryResultVoice
- Teleswagger::InlineResponse200
- Teleswagger::InlineResponse2001
- Teleswagger::InlineResponse2002
- Teleswagger::InlineResponse2003
- Teleswagger::InlineResponse2004
- Teleswagger::InlineResponse2005
- Teleswagger::InlineResponse2006
- Teleswagger::InlineResponse2007
- Teleswagger::InlineResponse2008
- Teleswagger::InlineResponse2009
- Teleswagger::InlineType
- Teleswagger::InputContactMessageContent
- Teleswagger::InputLocationMessageContent
- Teleswagger::InputMediaPhoto
- Teleswagger::InputMediaVideo
- Teleswagger::InputTextMessageContent
- Teleswagger::InputVenueMessageContent
- Teleswagger::Invoice
- Teleswagger::KeyboardButton
- Teleswagger::LabeledPrice
- Teleswagger::Location
- Teleswagger::MaskPosition
- Teleswagger::Message
- Teleswagger::MessageEntity
- Teleswagger::OrderInfo
- Teleswagger::ParseMode
- Teleswagger::PhotoSize
- Teleswagger::PreCheckoutQuery
- Teleswagger::PromoteChatMemberBody
- Teleswagger::ReplyKeyboardMarkup
- Teleswagger::ReplyKeyboardRemove
- Teleswagger::ResponseBool
- Teleswagger::ResponseMessage
- Teleswagger::ResponseParameters
- Teleswagger::ResponseUpdate
- Teleswagger::RestrictChatMemberBody
- Teleswagger::SendAudioLinkBody
- Teleswagger::SendContactBody
- Teleswagger::SendDocumentLinkBody
- Teleswagger::SendGameBody
- Teleswagger::SendInvoiceBody
- Teleswagger::SendLocationBody
- Teleswagger::SendMediaGroupLinkBody
- Teleswagger::SendMessageBody
- Teleswagger::SendPhotoLinkBody
- Teleswagger::SendStickerLinkBody
- Teleswagger::SendVenueBody
- Teleswagger::SendVideoLinkBody
- Teleswagger::SendVideoNoteLinkBody
- Teleswagger::SendVoiceLinkBody
- Teleswagger::ShippingAddress
- Teleswagger::ShippingOption
- Teleswagger::ShippingQuery
- Teleswagger::Sticker
- Teleswagger::StickerSet
- Teleswagger::StopMessageLiveLocationBody
- Teleswagger::SuccessfulPayment
- Teleswagger::Update
- Teleswagger::User
- Teleswagger::UserProfilePhotos
- Teleswagger::Venue
- Teleswagger::Video
- Teleswagger::VideoNote
- Teleswagger::Voice
- Teleswagger::WebhookInfo
Documentation for Authorization
All endpoints do not require authorization.