
Terracop is an opinionated HashiCorp Terraform state / plan parser and analyzer. Put it in a CI pipeline to analyze your Terraform plans or run it on already applied states and see what could be improved.

The checks run by Terracop go anywhere from resource names guidelines to identifying security holes in your configuration.

Terracop is massively inspired by Rubocop.


Terracop installation is pretty standard:

$ gem install terracop

If you'd rather install RuboCop using bundler, don't require it in your Gemfile:

gem 'terracop', require: false


Terracop can work with state and plan files generated by Terraform 0.12.


You can run terracop from the same directory where you would run terraform and it will automatically pull the state file and analyze it.

If you want to analyze a state file somewhere on your machine you can pass it like this:

$ terracop --state path/to/state/file

Terracop can also parse terraform plan files, in order to report potential issues before you apply the plan and persist the problem. Eg:

$ terraform plan -out tfplan
$ terracop --plan tfplan
$ terraform apply tfplan


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/aomega08/terracop.

Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Francesco Boffa. See LICENSE.md for further details.