Module: TerraformEnterprise::CommandLine

Included in:
Defined in:

Defined Under Namespace

Modules: Commands, Util Classes: Command, Formatter

Constant Summary collapse

  options: {
    table: 'Format list output as a table',
    host: 'Set host address for private Terraform Enterprise',
    token: 'Set the auth token, defaults to TFE_TOKEN environment variable',
    color: 'If disabled the ANSI color codes will not be used',
    except: 'List of fields that should not be displayed',
    only: 'List of fields that should be displayed',
    all: 'Return all fields, not just summary',
    value: 'Only return the value; i.e. do not show keys',
    debug: 'Show debug logs'
  push: {
    attributes: {
      path: 'Path of directory or tar.gz file to push to the workspace'
    commands: {
      push: 'Pushes the configuration to the workspace'
  version: {
    commands: {
      version: 'Show current version'
  workspaces: {
    attributes: {
      terraform_version: 'Version of Terraform to use for this workspace.',
      working_directory: 'Relative path that Terraform will execute within.',
      oauth_token: 'VCS Connection (OAuth Conection + Token) to use as identified; obtained from the oauth_tokens subcommand.',
      branch: 'Repository branch that Terraform will execute from.',
      ingress_submodules: 'Submodules should be fetched when cloning the VCS repository.',
      repo: 'Reference to VCS repository in the format :org/:repo.',
      import_legacy: 'Specifies the legacy Environment to use as the source of the migration/',
      organization: 'Organization to which this workspaces belongs to.',
      auto_apply: 'Auto-apply enabled'
    commands: {
      create: 'Create a new workspace',
      list: 'List workspaces in the organization',
      get: 'Get workspace details by name',
      delete: 'Delete the workspace',
      update: 'Update the workspace',
      lock: 'Lock the workspace by workspace ID',
      unlock: 'Unlock the workspace by workspace ID'
  configuration_versions: {
    attributes: {
      workspace_id: 'Workspace ID of the workspace to which the configuration version belongs to.',
      path: 'Path of directory or tar.gz file to push to the workspace'
    commands: {
      create: 'Create a new configuration version',
      list: 'List configuration versions in the organization',
      get: 'Get configuration version details by name',
      upload: 'Upload a file to the configuration version'
  organizations: {
    commands: {
      create: 'Create a new organization',
      list: 'List all the organizations',
      get: 'Get organization details by name',
      delete: 'Delete the organization'
    attributes: {}
  teams: {
    commands: {
      create: 'Create a new team',
      delete: 'Delete the team by ID',
      list: 'List teams in organization',
      get: 'Get team details'
    attributes: {
      organization: 'Organization to which this Team belongs to.'
  policies: {
    commands: {
      create: 'Create a new policy',
      delete: 'Delete a policy by ID',
      list: 'List policies in organization',
      get: 'Get policy details',
      upload: 'Upload a policy'
    attributes: {
      organization: 'Organization to which this Team belongs to.',
      mode: 'Policy mode, hard-mandatory, soft-mandatory or advisory',
      name: 'Policy name'
  runs: {
    commands: {
      create: 'Create a new run',
      list: 'List runs in a workspace',
      get: 'Get run details',
      apply: 'Apply the plan',
      discard: 'Discard the plan',
      log: 'Return logs for the plan or apply'
    attributes: {
      workspace_id: 'Workspace ID of which the run belongs to.',
      configuration_version_id: 'Configuration Version ID of the configuration version to run',
      destroy: 'The run should be a destroy plan',
      comment: 'Add a comment for the action',
      follow: 'Follow the logs until output is complete',
      event: 'Run event for which to get logs (plan or apply)'
  policy_checks: {
    commands: {
      list: 'List policy checks on run',
      override: 'Override the soft-mandatory or advisory policy'
    attributes: {
      run_id: 'Run ID to which the policy check belongs to.',
      comment: 'Add a comment for the action'
  oauth_tokens: {
    commands: {
      list: 'List the OAuth tokens in the organization'
    attributes: {
      organization: 'Organization to which this OAuth Token belongs to.'
  variables: {
    commands: {
      create: 'Create a new variable',
      delete: 'Delete the variable by ID',
      get: 'Get variable details',
      list: 'List variables in organization',
      update: 'Update a variable by ID'
    attributes: {
      organization: 'Organization to which this Variable belongs to.',
      workspace: 'Workspace to which this Variable belongs to.',
      category: 'The type of category, probably "terraform" or "env"',
      hcl: 'Variable should be parsed using HCL',
      sensitive: 'Variable should be marked as sensitive',
      value: 'Variable value',
      key: 'Variable key'