testml - TestML for Ruby

TestML is an Acmeist unit test language/framework.


In a file called test/mytest.rb:

require 'testml'

TestML.new.testml = <<'.'
Plan = 4;

*x.add(*y) == *sum;
*x.mult(*y) == *pruduct;

=== Test one
--- x: 42
--- y: 43
--- sum: 85
--- product: 1806


Coming soon…

TestML::Test API

Coming soon…

About TestML

TestML subclasses Test::Unit, so it Just Works with your other test code/files and with rake test.

All you need to do is create a new TestML object in a test file.


Copyright © 2012, 2013 Ingy döt Net. See LICENSE for further details.