
Gem Version GitHub Gem

  • Find and download Teuton Tests from remote or local repositories.
  • Create Teuton Test repository.


First install Ruby, then:

gem install teuton-get


  • At first, create config file.
$ teutonget init
==> Creating configuration files
    ✔ Create dir       : /home/quigon/.config/teuton
    ✔ Create file      : /home/quigon/.config/teuton/repos.ini
  • Refresh repo catalog, from time to time:
$ teutonget refresh
==> Refreshing active repos
    ✔ Repo teuton.en (10 tests)
    ✔ Repo teuton.es (4 tests)
  • Search test related with usermin:
$ teutonget search usermin
(x3) teuton.es:sistemas.3/scripting/usermin
  • Show test info:
$ teutonget show teuton.es:sistemas.3/scripting/usermin
name    : usermin
author  : fvarrui, dvarrui
date    : 2022-11-05
desc    : Usermin. Script para la gestión de usuarios
tags    : script, usuario, crear, consultar, listar, eliminar
files   : INSTALL.md, README.md, bin/docker.run, bin/up_environ.sh, config.yaml, lib/docker/consultar.rb, lib/docker/eliminar.rb, lib/docker/help.rb, lib/docker/listar.rb, lib/docker/nuevo.rb, lib/vm/consultar.rb, lib/vm/eliminar.rb, lib/vm/help.rb, lib/vm/listar.rb, lib/vm/nuevo.rb, start.rb, tt-info.yaml, vagrant/install-software.sh, vagrant/profesor.rb, vm.rb, vm.yaml
  • Download test teuton.es:sistemas.3/scripting/usermin:
$ teutonget pull teuton.es:sistemas.3/scripting/usermin
==> Progress [██████████████] 100%
==> Download finished

Example: Locate TEST_ID for debian related tests.

$ teutonget se debian
(x04) teuton.en:systems.1/03-debian-conf
(x04) teuton.en:systems.2/02-debian-basic-configuration
(x04) teuton.en:systems.2/03-debian-mkdir-command
(x04) teuton.en:systems.2/04-debian-users-grants
(x04) teuton.en:systems.2/11-debian-custom-installation

Build and install the gem from sources

You can build teuton-get Ruby gem from sources following the next steps:

  1. Clone the repo and change to its directory:
git clone https://github.com/teuton-software/teuton-get
cd teuton-get
  1. Build the gem:
rake build
  1. Install newly built gem:
  2. On GNU/Linux or Mac OS:
sudo gem install pkg/teuton-get-*.gem
  • On Windows as Administrator:
gem install pkg\teuton-get-*.gem
