
Adds basic web integration to TheDude.

This consists of including some useful web libraries including Capybara, net/http and Nokogiri so that they can be used in Dude commands.


TheDude is configured to use Capybara This means that you can use Capybara DSL shortcuts in your dude commands

command 'a web script' do
  Capybara.app_host = ''
  visit '/'

By default this will use the selenium driver however other Capybara drivers can be configured as per the instructions in the Capybara readme

Command 'qmake -spec macx-g++' not availabluuua


Simply install the gem using

$ gem install the_dude-web

The dude should detect the plugin and initialize it automatically. In order to check that the plugin is installed you can type

$ dude list plugins