Quiet Backtrace

Quiet Backtrace suppresses the noise in your Test::Unit backtrace. It also provides hooks for you to add additional silencers and filters.


sudo gem install quietbacktrace


Quiet Backtrace works by adding new attributes to Test::Unit::TestCase. By default, their values are:

self.quiet_backtrace = true
self.backtrace_silencers = [:test_unit, :gem_root, :e1]
self.backtrace_filters = [:method_name]

Silencers remove lines from the backtrace that return true for given conditions. Filters modify the output of backtrace lines.

Override the defaults by adding your own backtrace_silencers:

class Test::Unit::TestCase
  self.new_backtrace_silencer :shoulda do |line| 
    line.include? 'vendor/plugins/shoulda'
  self.backtrace_silencers << :shoulda

Or your own backtrace_filters:

class Test::Unit::TestCase
  self.new_backtrace_filter :ruby_path do |line|
     ruby_file_path = '/System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/lib/ruby/1.8'
     line.slice!(0..(line =~ ruby_file_path)) if (line =~ ruby_file_path)
  self.backtrace_filters << :ruby_path

Turn Quiet Backtrace off anywhere in your test suite by setting the flag to false:

Test::Unit::TestCase.quiet_backtrace = false

Rails-specific usage

Install the gem and add it your Rails app:

  • gem install thoughtbot-quietbacktrace --source http://gems.github.com
  • cd vendor/gems
  • gem unpack quietbacktrace

Quiet Backtrace comes with an excellent Rails-specific silencer and filter. They must be added (usually in test_helper.rb) because they are not turned on by default:

class Test::Unit::TestCase
  self.backtrace_silencers << :rails_vendor
  self.backtrace_filters   << :rails_root

Because Quiet Backtrace works by adding attributes onto Test::Unit::TestCase, you can add and remove silencers and filters at any level in your test suite, down to the individual test.


  • Test::Unit
  • aliasing.rb and attribute_accessors.rb, which are sniped from ActiveSupport and are included in the gem. They allow quietbacktrace.rb to use alias method chain, cattr accessor, and mattr accessor.



Special thanks to the Boston.rb group for cultivating this idea at our inaugural hackfest.

Copyright (c) Dan Croak, James Golick, Joe Ferris, thoughtbot, inc. (the MIT license)