
Use Tickerizer to extract company names and stock symbols from content strings.

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Update - version 1.0.0

This gem has been updated to remove dependency on the open-calais gem and to support the new enhanced Open Calais API.


An OpenCalais account is required to make use of this gem. Create your account and request an API key at http://new.opencalais.com/opencalais-api/


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'tickerizer'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install tickerizer


Provide your OpenCalais API Key in familiar config block fashion

Tickerizer.configure do |config|
    config.license_id = 'YOUR_API_KEY_HERE'


Extracting Company Information

Provide a string of content to Tickerizer's extract method and it will return an array containing the company references found.

content = "Ford CEO Alan Mulally is reportedly among the names being discussed by Microsoft's board of directors as a successor to Steve Ballmer, who'll be retiring within a year. Would such a move make sense for Microsoft?"

companies = Tickerizer.extract(content)

#=> [{:name=>"Microsoft", :relevance=>0.667, :ticker=>"MSFT", :symbol=>"MSFT.OQ"}, {:name=>"Ford", :relevance=>0.476, :ticker=>"F", :symbol=>"F.N"}]

Results are ordered by their semantic relevance to the content string. Therefore, it is trivial to retrieve a "primary ticker" (most relevant) for the provided content string

#=> "MSFT"