
This gem packages the TimelineJS for easy use with the Rails asset pipleine.

General Installation

Add to the assets group in your Gemfile:

gem 'timelineJS-rails', '~> 1.1.5'

Install the gem:

bundle install

Add the Javascript to application.js:

//=require timelineJS/embed

Add the CSS to application.css

 *= require timelineJS/timeline


The Localization language default is en English, if you want to change it, just add the Javascript to application.js:

//=require timelineJS/locale/xxx # you should change the xxx with one of the available languages below
  • af Afrikaans
  • ar Arabic (beta)
  • bg Bulgarian
  • ca Catalan
  • cz Czech
  • da Danish
  • de German / Deutsch
  • el Greek
  • en English
  • en-24hr English using 24hr time
  • es Spanish
  • eu Basque/ Euskara
  • fi Finnish
  • fo Faroese
  • fr French
  • gl Galician
  • hu Hungarian
  • hy Armenian
  • id Indonesian
  • is Icelandic
  • it Italian
  • iw Hebrew (beta)
  • ja Japanese
  • ka Georgian
  • ko Korean
  • lv Latvian
  • nl Dutch
  • no Norwegian
  • pl Polish
  • pt-br Brazilian Portuguese
  • pt Portuguese
  • ru Russian
  • sk Slovak
  • sl Slovenian
  • sr-cy Serbian (Cyrillic)
  • sr Serbian (Latin)
  • sv Swedish
  • ta Tamil
  • tl Tagalog
  • tr Turkish
  • zh-cn Chinese
  • zh-tw Taiwanese

Font Themes

If you want to set the font theme, just add the CSS to application.css:

 *= require timelineJS/themes/font/xxx #you should change the xxx with one of the available font themes below
  • Arvo-PTSans
  • Merriweather-NewsCycle
  • PoiretOne-Molengo
  • PTSerif-PTSans
  • DroidSerif-DroidSans
  • Lekton-Molengo
  • NixieOne-Ledger
  • AbrilFatface-Average
  • PlayfairDisplay-Muli
  • Rancho-Gudea
  • Bevan-PotanoSans
  • BreeSerif-OpenSans
  • SansitaOne-Kameron
  • Pacifico-Arimo


  $(document).ready(function() {
      type: 'timeline',
      width: '400',
      height: '500',
      source: '/events.json', //get the events.json format from https://github.com/VeriteCo/TimelineJS#file-formats
      embed_id: 'time_line'


