Tindie2EasyPost CSV Converter


This Ruby script converts CSV files exported from Tindie into a format compatible with EasyPost shipping labels. It helps streamline the process of preparing shipping information for small businesses and online sellers.


  • Converts Tindie order CSV to EasyPost-compatible CSV
  • Command-line interface for easy use
  • Flexible from-address configuration
  • Simple and straightforward conversion process


  • Ruby (version 2.7 or higher recommended)
  • Basic command-line knowledge


  1. Clone this repository:

    git clone https://github.com/yourusername/tindie2easypost.git
    cd tindie2easypost
  2. Ensure you have Ruby installed:

    ruby --version


Basic Usage

ruby tindie2easypost.rb -i input_tindie_orders.csv -o output_easypost_orders.csv -f 'Your Name,Your Company,Your Phone,Your Email,Your Street,Unit/Suite,Your City,Your State,Your Zip,Your Country'

Command-Line Arguments

  • -i or --input: Path to the input Tindie CSV file (required)
  • -o or --output: Path for the output EasyPost CSV file (required)
  • -f or --from: Sender's address details, comma-separated in this order:
    1. Name
    2. Company
    3. Phone
    4. Email
    5. Street Address
    6. Street Address Line 2 (optional)
    7. City
    8. State
    9. Zip/Postal Code
    10. Country
  • -p or --package: Package dimensions and weight, comma-separated (LENGTH,WIDTH,HEIGHT,WEIGHT)
  • -d or --predefined: Predefined package type

Note: You must use either -p or -d, but not both.


ruby tindie2easypost.rb -i december_orders.csv -o easypost_shipping.csv -f 'John Doe,Acme Widgets,555-123-4567,[email protected],123 Business St,Suite 100,Anytown,CA,90210,USA'

With package dimensions

ruby tindie2easypost.rb -i december_orders.csv -o easypost_shipping.csv -f 'John Doe,Acme Widgets,555-123-4567,[email protected],123 Business St,Suite 100,Anytown,CA,90210,USA' -p 10,8,6,16

With predefined package type

ruby tindie2easypost.rb -i december_orders.csv -o easypost_shipping.csv -f 'John Doe,Acme Widgets,555-123-4567,[email protected],123 Business St,Suite 100,Anytown,CA,90210,USA' -d "SmallFlatRateBox"


  • Parcel details (weight, dimensions) are not automatically populated
  • Carrier information is not automatically filled
  • Assumes a consistent sender address for all orders
  • Assumes user wants USPS GroundAdvantage Service


If you need to add parcel details or carrier information, you can modify the script directly in the conversion method.


  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature)
  5. Open a Pull Request


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.