Ruby String Extensions To Add Title Case Support

A set of methods added onto the String class to allow easy title casing of strings.

This extension is available as a gem via GitHub:

$ sudo gem install samsouder-titlecase --source=


require 'rubygems'
require 'titlecase'

puts "this is a test".titlecase

Derived from the rules set by John Gruber at <>. I also derived my test cases from his set. If you find any edge cases, please feel free to add them to the examples.yaml file.

Rules from John Gruber:

- capitalize each word
- downcase each of the small_words
- words with capitals after the first character are left alone
- words with periods are left alone
- first and last word always capitalized
- small words after colons are capitalized

Sam Souder <[email protected]> Created May 22, 2008

Perl version created by:

John Gruber  
May 10 2008
