
to_elixir is a super simple Rails rake task that inspects your existing Rails application and generates a Elixir / Phoenix JSON API.


Add gem :to_elixir to your Gemfile and run bundle install


rake to_elixir:phoenix APP_NAME=<NAME>

Where <NAME> is the name of your new Elixir app. This will create a folder <NAME> in the root of your Rails application. Simply run the command, wait a tick and then move the resulting folder somewhere else. Enter the new Elixir app and run iex -S mix phoenix.server to boot your Elixir app. Load up your new app at http://localhost:4000/api/<EXISTING_RESOURCE_NAME> and boom; simple json api.

Want your data in that API?

rake to_elixir:timestamps

If you'd like to convert your existing Rails-based DB over to Phoenix just run the above command. This will create a Rails migration that renames :created_at to :inserted_at It can be rolled back (rake db:rollback) and is non-destructive. Update config/dev.exs to point to your migrated Rails DB and viola; data in your simple json api.