
Version 1.2.0


  • Support scoped names for NPM packages (e.g. "@lottiefiles/lottie-player")

Version 1.1.1


  • Test files have been removed from the package to reduce file size (and to spend less internet traffic too).

Version 1.1.0


  • Thor dependency has been relaxed to support Rails 6.x.

Version 1.0.1

Bug fixes

  • Fix unpacking tar.gz when running on unpriveleged containers

Version 1.0.0

Breaking changes

  • Rails support has been removed. Use torba-rails instead.
  • torba/verify no longer checks, whether it is executed within Rake task or not. This was a workaround for Rails support, which is no longer a goal of this gem.
  • torba/verify no longer checks TORBA_DONT_VERIFY env variable. Same as above.

Upgrading notes

If you are a non-Rails user, this should be a non-breaking update. In rare cases, when you depend on old behaviour of torba/verify, please, add the conditionals to your application code.

Rails users should:

  1. Replace gem "torba" with gem "torba-rails" in the Gemfile.
  2. Remove require "torba/verify" from boot.rb.
  3. Remove require "torba/rails" from application.rb.
  4. Unset obsolete TORBA_DONT_VERIFY env variable if present.


  • Rake task accepts a block to be executed before packing process

Version 0.7.0


  • torba show command
  • torba open command

Version 0.6.0


  • Torba.cache_path= setter

Bug fixes

  • Handle stylesheets that mention nonexisting assets (e.g. with SCSS variables)

Version 0.5.1

Bug fixes

  • Treat SASS/SCSS files as regular stylesheets

Version 0.5.0

Upgrading notes

Rails users are advised to remove manual execution of torba pack from their deployment scripts, since the command now is a part of rake assets:precompile.


  • Support deployment to Heroku
  • torba pack is automatically injected into rake assets:precompile in Rails applications
  • torba install command is a mapping for torba pack

Bug fixes

  • Retry 5 times if fetching a remote file fails

Version 0.4.2

Bug fixes

  • Remote url() assets should not be given to asset_path
  • Support both url(data: and url('data: in css

Version 0.4.1

Bug fixes

  • Do not add the .erb extension for stylesheets that don't need it.

Version 0.4.0


  • The exception that gets raised during torba verify now list the missing packages

Version 0.3.1

Bug fixes

  • Fix no asset found when a CSS url contains "?#iefix" or "#svg-fragment"

Version 0.3.0


  • Rails setup automatically populates Rails.application.config.assets.precompile If libraries added via Torba have image/font content, you can remove it from that list, no need for manual manipulation
  • Support .tar.gz remote sources
  • Support npm packages

Version 0.2.1

Bug fixes

  • Cached GithubRelease remote contains in path repository name, not nameless version

Version 0.2.0


  • Name for GH releases can be optional
  • Cached zip remote contains URL filename in path for better introspection
  • GithubRelease remote: introduce #repository_user, #repository_name

Bug fixes

  • Display actual exception (if any) instead of SystemExitError for pow
  • Remote source always returns absolute path even if Torba.home_path/cache_path is relative to current directory

Version 0.1.1

Bug fixes

  • Fail fast and report on 404 resources