Module: TrackBallast::UuidManagement

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Manage a uuid column alongside an autoincrementing id column for an ActiveRecord model.

Additional Features

  • Adds presence validation if the uuid column is non-nullable

  • Validates v4 UUIDs at creation time using the not_v4_uuid error on uuid and logs violations with a invalid-uuid tag


Adding a Column

Add a uuid column to your model such that it can be written as a string.


t.string "uuid", limit: 36, null: false, unique: true

Alternatively, for MySQL, consider using a binary column:

t.binary "uuid", limit: 16, null: false, unique: true

…and define the uuid attribute using the mysql-binuuid-rails gem:

attribute :uuid,

This has performance and storage space benefits, but please note that this may increase the difficulty of working with this column outside of Rails.

Both forms of UUID column are acceptable and left as a decision for the implementor.

Include the module

After adding the column, simply include the module:

class MyModel < ApplicationRecord
  include TrackBallast::UuidManagement