Tracker CLI

A mostly-for-fun Command Line Interface (CLI) for Pivotal Tracker



An API Token and Project ID are required in the configuration file.

1) Find your API Token

Your API Token is located at

2) Find your Project ID

Your Project ID is located in the project's url. If your project url is, this project's id is 999999.

3) Create a config file

Open ~/.tracker.config in your favorite text editor and enter the following yaml:

api_token: {{API_TOKEN}}
project: {{PROJECT_ID}}

Add to your Gemfile

gem 'tracker-cli', github: 'benastan/tracker-cli'

Take it for a test drive

tracker --list stories
=> 00001  "My First Story"



tracker --list stories

00001 "Story 1"
00002 "Story 2"

tracker --list stories --format json # JSON format
tracker --list projects
tracker --list projects --format json # JSON format


tracker --fetch [OBJECT_TYPE]

OBJECT_TYPE can be story.


A story can be fetched interactively:

tracker --fetch story -i

(1) 00001 "Story #1"
(2) 00002 "Story #2"
(3) 00002 "Story #3"

Which Story? 1

Or with an id:

tracker --fetch story --id 00001

Make a commit for a started story of your choice.

tracker --fetch story -i --parameter with_state,started --commit
(1) 133544285 "Test Story"

Which Story? 1

[master 2886e30] [#133544285] Test Story
 7 files changed, 94 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)