
Build Status

Yet another simple wiki on git. DEMO

  • realtime preview in editing
  • markdown
  • utf-8 page title and contents (You can use 日本語, français, ...)
  • slideshow
  • drag & drop image upload
  • bootstrap

You need:

  • git or redis(mainly for Heroku) as backend database.
  • ruby 1.9.3 or jruby 1.7.3


  • If you use jruby or windows, git is not available. Run trahald with -E options like rackup -E redis.
  • If you use this on heroku, image uploader is unable to use.

This project does not support ruby 1.8.7. It will no longer supported in all senses after June 2013.


This is just a library. To use Trahald as your wiki, see 3100/a_trahald.


If you use redis, set your redis url to env TRAHALD_REDIS_URL:

export TRAHALD_REDIS_URL="redis://redistogo:[email protected]:port/"


heroku config:set TRAHALD_REDIS_URL=redis://redistogo:[email protected]:port/

In development


bundle install

By default, Bundler installs git and redis gems. You can use --without option with these groups:

  • git
  • redis

e.g. If you do not need redis gem, add the option:

bundle install --without redis

Running App

rackup -p $PORT

By default, Trahald use git. If you want to use redis alternatively, add -E option:

rackup -p $PORT -E redis


bundle exec rspec


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request