
This Gem helps you send notifications through Courier, the smartest way to design & deliver notifications. Design your notifications once using our drag & drop editor, then deliver to any channel through one API. Email, mobile push, SMS, Slack — you name it!


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'trycourier'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install trycourier


After installing, make sure to include this line at the top of your ruby file:

require "trycourier"

To create a Courier Ruby client, all you need to do is pass in your authentication information. Then, you can start sending!

Using token authentication (most secure)

client = "your-auth-token" # or set via COURIER_AUTH_TOKEN env var (recommended)

Using basic authentication

client = "USERNAME", password: "PASSWORD") # or set via COURIER_AUTH_USERNAME and COURIER_AUTH_PASSWORD env vars

Sending a message to an individual recipient

client = "your-auth-token" # or set via COURIER_AUTH_TOKEN env var
res = client.send_message({
    "message" => {
      "to" => {
        "email" => "[email protected]"
      "content" => {
        "title" => "hello {{name}}",
        "body" => "Welcome to Courier!"
      "data" => {
        "name" => "Ruby"
  puts res.code # the HTTP response code
  puts res.request_id # if the code is 202, this will be the Courier request ID for this message
rescue Courier::CourierAPIError => re #error sent from from the API
  puts re.message
client = "your-auth-token" # or set via COURIER_AUTH_TOKEN env var
res = client.send({
    "event" => "your-event-id",
    "recipient" => "your-recipient-id",

    "profile" => { #optional (include any key-value pairs required by your chosen integrations. This information can also be stored in the recipient's profile in Courier)
      "email": "[email protected]",
      "phone_number": "555-867-5309"

    "data" => { #any data you want to pass to a message template
      "world" => "Ruby!"
  puts res.code # the HTTP response code
  puts res.message_id # if the code is 200, this will be the Courier message ID for this notification
rescue Courier::CourierAPIError => re #error sent from from the API
  puts re.message

Sending a message to an individual with metadata

client = "your-auth-token" # or set via COURIER_AUTH_TOKEN env var
res = client.send_message({
    "message" => {
      "to" => {
        "email" => "[email protected]"
      "content" => {
        "title" => "hello {{name}}",
        "body" => "Welcome to Courier!"
      "data" => {
        "name" => "Ruby"
      "metadata" => {
        "utm" => {
          "source" => "Ruby"
        "tags" => ["tag-1", "tag-2"],
        "trace_id" => "feed-me-hungry"
  puts res.code # the HTTP response code
  puts res.request_id # if the code is 202, this will be the Courier request ID for this message
rescue Courier::CourierAPIError => re #error sent from from the API
  puts re.message

Sending a message to an individual with granular metadata

client = "your-auth-token" # or set via COURIER_AUTH_TOKEN env var
res = client.send_message({
    "message" => {
      "to" => {
        "email" => "[email protected]"
      "content" => {
              "version" => "2020-01-01",
        "elements" => [
            "type" => "text",
            "content" => "Thanks for signing up, {{name}}"
            "type" => "action",
            "content" => "Click Me!",
            "href" => ""
      "routing" => {
        "method" => "all",
        "channels" => [
      "data" => {
        "name" => "Ruby"
      "metadata" => {
        "utm" => {
          "source" => "Ruby"
      "channels" => {
        "email" => {
          "routing_method" => "all",
          "providers" => [
          "metadata" => {
            "utm" => {
              "medium" => "email"
      "providers" => {
        "sendgrid" => {
          "metadata" => {
            "utm" => {
              "source" => "sendgrid"
  puts res.code # the HTTP response code
  puts res.request_id # if the code is 202, this will be the Courier request ID for this message
rescue Courier::CourierAPIError => re #error sent from from the API
  puts re.message

Advanced Usage


require "trycourier"
client = "your-auth-token" # or set via COURIER_AUTH_TOKEN env var

Creating a List
res = client.lists.put(list_id, name)
puts res

Example: send a message to a list
resp = client.lists.send(
  event: "your-event-id",
  list: "",
  brand: "your-brand-id", # optional
  data: {}, # optional
  override: {} # optional
puts resp['messageId'])

Example: send a message to a list pattern
resp = client.lists.send(
  event: "your-event-id",
  pattern: "your.list.*", #PATTERN (will send to all list ids that start with "your.list.")
  brand: "your-brand-id", # optional
  data: {}, # optional
  override: {} # optional
puts resp['messageId'])

Example: get all lists
resp = client.lists.list(
  cursor: "MTU4OTQ5NTI1ODY4NywxLTVlYmRjNWRhLTEwODZlYWFjMWRmMjEwMTNjM2I0ZjVhMA", # optional
puts resp

Example: get a specific list
resp = client.lists.get(list_id: "your-list-id")
puts resp

Example: delete a list
client.lists.delete(list_id: "your-list-id")

Example: restore a list
client.lists.restore(list_id: "your-list-id")

Example: get a list's subscribptions
resp = client.lists.get_subscriptions(list_id: "your-list-id",
  cursor: "MTU4OTQ5NTI1ODY4NywxLTVlYmRjNWRhLTEwODZlYWFjMWRmMjEwMTNjM2I0ZjVhMA", # optional
puts resp

Example: replace many recipients to a new or existing list
client.lists.put_subscriptions(list_id: "your-list-id", recipients: [

Example: Example: subscribe single recipient to a new or existing list
client.lists.subscribe(list_id: "your-list-id", recipient_id: "your-recipient-id")

Example: unsubscribe recipient from list
client.lists.unsubscribe(list_id: "your-list-id", recipient_id: "your-recipient-id")


Example: create a recipient's profile
resp = client.profiles.add(
  recipient_id: "your-recipient-id",
  profile: {
    "email" => "[email protected]",
    "name" => "Example Name"

Example: replace or create a recipient's profile
resp = client.profiles.replace(
  recipient_id: "your-recipient-id",
  profile: {
    "email" => "[email protected]"
puts resp['status']

Example: merge or create a recipient's profile
resp = client.profiles.merge(
  recipient_id: "your-recipient-id",
  profile: {
    "phone_number" => "+15555555555"
puts resp['status']

Example: get the subscribed lists of a recipient
resp = client.profiles.get_subscriptions(
  recipient_id: "your-recipient-id",
  cursor: "MTU4OTQ5NTI1ODY4NywxLTVlYmRjNWRhLTEwODZlYWFjMWRmMjEwMTNjM2I0ZjVhMA" #optional
puts resp

Example: edit the contents of a recipient's profile with a patch operation
(follows JSON Patch conventions: RFC 6902).
resp = client.profiles.patch(
  recipient_id: "your-recipient-id",
  operations: [
      "op" => "add", #operation 1: add this email to profile
      "path" => "/parent",
      "value" => "[email protected]"
      "op" => "replace", #operation 2: update with new email
      "path" => "/parent",
      "value" => "[email protected]"
      "op" => "copy", #operation 3: copy that email to /emergency_contact
      "from" => "/parent",
      "path" => "/emergency_contact"
puts resp

Example: get a recipient's profile
resp = client.profiles.get(recipient_id: "your-recipient-id")
puts resp


Example: fetch the statuses of messages you've previously sent.
resp = client.messages.list(
  cursor: "MTU4OTQ5NTI1ODY4NywxLTVlYmRjNWRhLTEwODZlYWFjMWRmMjEwMTNjM2I0ZjVhMA", # optional
  event: "your-event-id", # optional
  list: "your-list-id", #optional
  message_id: "your-message-id" #optional
  notification: ["message-status-1", "message-status-2",...] #optional
  recipient: "recipient-id" # optional
puts resp

Example: fetch the status of a message you've previously sent
resp = client.messages.get(message_id: "your-message-id")
puts resp

Example: fetch the array of events of a message you've previously sent.
resp = client.messages.get_history(
message_id: "your-message-id",
type: "list-type" #optional ("FILTERED", "RENDERED", "MAPPED", "PROFILE_LOADED")
puts resp


Example: fetch the list of events
resp =
puts resp

Example: fetch a specific event by event ID
resp = "your-event-id")
puts resp

Example: create or replace an event
resp =
  event_id: "your-event-id",
  notification_id: "notification_id",
  type: "notificaton" ## optional, defaults to notification
puts resp

Example: get all brands
resp = client.brands.list(
  cursor: "MTU4OTQ5NTI1ODY4NywxLTVlYmRjNWRhLTEwODZlYWFjMWRmMjEwMTNjM2I0ZjVhMA", # optional
puts resp

Example: get a specific brand
resp = client.brands.get(brand_id: "brand_id")
puts resp

Example: create a brand
resp = client.brands.create(
  name: "brand-name",
  settings: {
    "color" => {
      "primary" => "#0000FF",
      "secondary" => "#FF0000",
      "tertiary" => "#00FF00"
  id: "my-brand-id", #optional
  snippets: {}, #optional
  idempotency_key: "my-idemp-key", #optional
puts resp

Example: replace a brand
resp = client.brands.replace(
  brand_id: "your-brand-id",
  name: "brand-name",
  settings: {}
    "color" => {
      "primary" => "#FF0000",
      "secondary" => "#00FF00",
      "tertiary" => "#0000FF"
  snippets: {} #optional
puts resp

Example: delete a brand
resp = client.brands.delete(brand_id: "your-brand-id")
puts resp


Example: invoke ad-hoc automation
steps = [
    "action" => "send"
automation = {
  "steps" => steps

resp = client.automations.invoke(
  automation: automation,
  brand: "your-brand-id", # optional
  data: {}, # optional
  profile: {
    "email" => "[email protected]",
  }, # optional
  recipient: "your-recipient-id", # optional
  template: "your-notification-template-id" # optional
puts resp['runId']

Example: invoke automation template
resp = client.automations.invoke_template(
  template_id: "your-automation-template-id",
  brand: "your-brand-id", # optional
  data: {}, # optional
  profile: {
    "email" => "[email protected]",
  }, # optional
  recipient: "your-recipient-id", # optional
  template: "your-notification-template-id" # optional
puts resp['runId']

### Notes on input and errors
With the exception of passing an auth token to create a client, and ```client.send(body)```, every parameter (optional or required) is sent using keyword arguments.
In the case of ```client.send(body)```, if the hash does not have the required components, it will throw an InputError exception, which can be caught with rescue blocks:
rescue InputError

Any other errors from the API are thrown as a CourierAPIError. Catch these errors by putting this after your method calls:

rescue CourierAPIError


List of supported operators for audience filtering:

Example: create or update an Audience
resp = client.audiences.put(
  audience_id: "your-audience-id",
  filter: {
    "operator": "EQ",
    "value": "en-US",
    "path": "locale"

Example: Get all members of an Audience
resp = client.audiences.get_audience_members(
  audience_id: "your-audience-id",
  cursor: nil
puts resp['status']

Example: Send to an Audience
client = "your-auth-token" # or set via COURIER_AUTH_TOKEN env var
res = client.send_message({
    "message" => {
      "to" => {
        "audience_id" => "your-audience-id"
      "content" => {
        "title" => "hello {{name}}",
        "body" => "Welcome to Courier!"
      "data" => {
        "name" => "Ruby"
  puts res.code # the HTTP response code
  puts res.request_id # if the code is 202, this will be the Courier request ID for this message
rescue Courier::CourierAPIError => re #error sent from from the API
  puts re.message

Audit Events

Example: List audit events
resp = client.audit_events.list()

Example: Get a specific audit event
resp = client.audit_events.get(audit_event_id: "audit-event-id")


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.