Temperat*Ure **Sensor **CA*lculator

Makes available functions for:

  • ITS-90 compatible temperature sensors (Standard Platinum Resistance Thermometers), allowing:
    • Retrieval of reference resistance ratio WR from t90R reference temperature
    • Retrieval of reference temperature t90R from WR reference resistance ratio
    • Given sensor coefficient's: sub-range, Rtpw, a, b, c, d, W660, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5
    • Retrieval of t90 temperature from sensor's resistance res
    • Retrieval of res resistance from sensor's t90 temperature.
  • IEC 60751 compatible temperature sensors (Platinum Resistance Thermometers), allowing:
    • Retrieval of reference resistance resR from t90R reference temperature
    • Retrieval of reference temperature t90R from resR reference resistance
    • Given sensor coefficient's: R0, A, B, C
    • Retrieval of sensor's resistance res from t90 temperature
    • Retrieval of temperature t90 from sensor's resistance res
  • IEC 60584 compatible temperature sensors (Thermocouples), allowing, for a given type:
    • Retrieval of reference voltage emfR from t90R reference temperature
    • Retrieval of reference temperature t90R from reference voltage emfR
    • Given sensor coefficient's: a, b, c, d
    • Retrieval of sensor's voltage emf from t90 temperature
    • Retrieval of temperature t90 from sensor's voltage emf


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'tuscan'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install tuscan

Usage examples


# Reference functions (ºC vs Ohm/Ohm)
Tuscan.wr(:its90, 23.456)
Tuscan.t90r(:its90, 1.15)

# Corrected for specific sensor (ºC vs Ohm)
Tuscan.t90(:its90, 25.319871, rtpw: 25.319871, subrange: 7, a: -1.2134e-04, b: -9.9190e-06)
Tuscan.res(:its90, 0.01,      rtpw: 25.319871, subrange: 7, a: -1.2134e-04, b: -9.9190e-06)

IEC 60751

# Reference functions (ºC vs Ohm)
Tuscan.t90r(:iec60751, 110)
Tuscan.resr(:iec60751, 10)

# Corrected for specific sensor
Tuscan.t90(:iec60751, 110, r0: 99.876, a:3.9083e-03, b:-5.7750e-07, c:-4.1830e-12)
Tuscan.res(:iec60751, 10,  r0: 99.876, a:3.9083e-03, b:-5.7750e-07, c:-4.1830e-12)

IEC 60584

# Reference functions (ºC vs mV)
Tuscan.t90r(:iec60584, 1.234,  type: :k)
Tuscan.emfr(:iec60584, 10.123, type: :k)

# Corrected for specific sensor
Tuscan.t90(:iec60584, 3.6105,  type: :k, a: 0, b: -1.39363e-05, c: 3.75578e-08, d: -2.17624e-11)
Tuscan.emf(:iec60584, 419.527, type: :k, a: 0, b: -1.39363e-05, c: 3.75578e-08, d: -2.17624e-11)


  • t90 aliased to t, temperature
  • res aliased to r, resistance
  • emf aliased to v, voltage


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  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request