Class: TwitterCldr::Resources::TransformsImporter

  • Object
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Constant Summary collapse

  # This transform appears to be broken. Two of its rules that deal with separator
  # characters don't make sense to me:
  # "[:Separator:]* > ' ';"
  # "$space = [:Separator:]*;"
  # Why would zero characters be replaced with a space? And why would zero characters
  # be considered a separator?
  # More importantly, the algorithm in this library works with every other transform,
  # provisional and otherwise, except this one. Something's amiss with these rules.
  # ICU probably works because they, once again, fixed the rules but neglected to
  # upstream them into CLDR.
  { source: 'ug', target: 'Latin' }

Constants inherited from Importer


Instance Attribute Summary

Attributes inherited from Importer

#params, #requirements

Method Summary

Methods inherited from Importer

#can_import?, default_params, #import, #initialize, locales, output_path, parameter, parameters, #prepare, requirement, requirements, ruby_engine

Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from TwitterCldr::Resources::Importer