
A Ruby library to handle Twitter snowflake IDs.

âŦ‡ī¸ Installation

There are two ways to install this library:

1. Bundler

Run bundle init to generate a Gemfile, append the following line to it and run bundle install.

gem 'twitter_snowflake', '~> 0.0.1'

2. Gem

Or you can use Ruby's package manager: gem. Open your terminal and run the following command:

gem install twitter_snowflake

đŸ“Ļ Dependencies


TwitterSnowflake.rb does not rely on any third-party library.


  • YARD – to generate documentation.
  • Rubocop – to spot bad code smells.

📚 Documentation

You can find the documentation in Rubydoc.

🕹ī¸ Usage

To parse a snowflake ID, use TwitterSnowflake.parse:

require 'twitter_snowflake'

snowflake = TwitterSnowflake.parse 948_350_713_171_619_840
  # => #<TwitterSnowflake::Snowflake:0x00005584b970d878
  #       @epoch=1288834974657,
  #       @id=948350713171619840,
  #       @increment=0,
  #       @process_id=19,
  #       @time=2018-01-02 22:30:04 -0200,
  #       @timestamp=1514939404181,
  #       @worker_id=0>

If you don't need a whole Snowflake instance, you can use TwitterSnowflake's utility class methods:

TwitterSnowflake.timestamp 948_350_713_171_619_840 # => 1514939404181

Calculations are made with Twitter's epoch by default (1_288_834_974_657). You can change the epoch value by passing a keyword argument to TwitterSnowflake.parse or TwitterSnowflake.timestamp:

discord_epoch = 1_420_070_400_000
id = 649_027_890_029_133_824

TwitterSnowflake.timestamp id, epoch: discord_epoch # => 1574810707338

TwitterSnowflake.parse id, epoch: discord_epoch
  # => <TwitterSnowflake::Snowflake:0x000056544c9e9818
  #      @epoch=1420070400000,
  #      @id=649027890029133824,
  #      @increment=0,
  #      @process_id=0,
  #      @time=2019-11-26 20:25:07 -0300,
  #      @timestamp=1574810707338,
  #      @worker_id=1>

It is also possible to generate a snowflake yourself with TwitterSnowflake.synthesize:

snowflake = TwitterSnowflake.synthesize(
  epoch: 1_420_070_400_000, # defaults to Twitter's epoch if no value is provided
  timestamp: 1_574_810_707_338,
  worker_id: 1,
  process_id: 0,
  increment: 0,

p # => 649027890029133824

📄 License

TwitterSnowflake.rb is licensed under MIT.

✏ī¸ Contributors

I'm looking to improve TwitterSnowflake.rb, so feel free to contribute!