

Name Type Description Notes
activated BOOLEAN True if this gift certificate is activated and ready to apply to purchases. [optional]
code String The code used by the customer to purchase against this gift certificate. [optional]
customer_profile_oid Integer This is the customer profile oid associated with this internally managed gift certificate. [optional]
deleted BOOLEAN True if this gift certificate was deleted. [optional]
email String Email of the customer associated with this gift certificate. [optional]
expiration_dts String Expiration date time. [optional]
gift_certificate_oid Integer Gift certificate oid. [optional]
internal BOOLEAN This is an internally managed gift certificate associated with the loyalty cash rewards program. [optional]
ledger_entries Array<GiftCertificateLedgerEntry> A list of all ledger activity for this gift certificate. [optional]
merchant_id String Merchant Id [optional]
merchant_note String A list of all ledger activity for this gift certificate. [optional]
original_balance Float Original balance of the gift certificate. [optional]
reference_order_id String The order used to purchase this gift certificate. This value is ONLY set during checkout when a certificate is purchased, not when it is used. Any usage is recorded in the ledger [optional]
remaining_balance Float The remaining balance on the gift certificate. This is never set directly, but calculated from the ledger. To change the remaining balance, add a ledger entry. [optional]