
This gem is no longer under development. All of the cops contained in this gem are also available in the rubocop-rspec gem.

Migrating to rubocop-rspec

  • Remove gem 'umts-custom-cops' from your Gemfile
  • Add gem 'rubocop-rspec' to your Gemfile
  • Remove require: umts-custom-cops from your .rubocop.yml file
  • Add require: rubocop-rspec to your .rubocop.yml file

If you only want a version of the two cops provided by this gem, you can add the following to your .rubocop.yml file:

  Enabled: false

  Enabled: true

  Enabled: true

Also, if you have a custom .yml file to get this gem to work under CodeClimate, you will not need to do that with rubocop-rspec. It is included in the CodeClimate engine.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.