NOTE: Underwear is under heavy and frequent development and is not recommeded for use yet.

Underwear is based on Suspenders, the base Rails application used at thoughtbot.


First install the underwear gem:

gem install underwear

Then run:

underwear projectname

This will create a Rails app in projectname using the latest version of Rails. Note: This will also create Heroku staging and production apps using the name you provide, so make it unique.


To see the latest and greatest gems, look at Underwear' Gemfile, which will be appended to the default generated projectname/Gemfile.

It includes application gems like:

And development gems like:

  • Bullet help to kill N+1 queries and unused eager loading
  • Bundler Audit for scanning the Gemfile for insecure dependencies based on published CVEs
  • ByeBug for interactively debugging behavior
  • Dotenv for loading environment variables
  • Faker A library for generating fake data such as names, addresses, and phone numbers.
  • Pry Rails for interactively exploring objects
  • Spring for fast Rails actions via pre-loading
  • Web Console for better debugging via in-browser IRB consoles.

And testing gems like:


  • Database Cleaner Strategies for cleaning databases in Ruby.
  • Webmock Library for stubbing and setting expectations on HTTP requests in Ruby.
  • VCR Record your test suite's HTTP interactions and replay them during future test runs for fast, deterministic, accurate tests.
  • Simplecov Code coverage for Ruby 1.9+ with a powerful configuration library and automatic merging of coverage across test suites.

Other goodies

Underwear also comes with:


You can optionally create Heroku staging and production apps:

underwear app --heroku true


  • Creates a staging and production Heroku app
  • Sets them as staging and production Git remotes
  • Configures staging with RACK_ENV and RAILS_ENV environment variables set to staging
  • Adds the Rails Stdout Logging gem to configure the app to log to standard out, which is how Heroku's logging works.

You can optionally specify alternate Heroku flags:

underwear app \
  --heroku true \
  --heroku-flags "--region eu --addons newrelic,sendgrid,ssl"

See all possible Heroku flags:

heroku help create


This will initialize a new git repository for your Rails app. You can bypass this with the --skip-git option:

underwear app --skip-git true


You can optionally create a GitHub repository for the suspended Rails app. It requires that you have Hub on your system:

curl -sLo ~/bin/hub && chmod +x ~/bin/hub
underwear app --github organization/project

This has the same effect as running:

hub create organization/project


Underwear uses spring by default. It makes Rails applications load faster, but it might introduce confusing issues around stale code not being refreshed. If you think your application is running old code, run spring stop. And if you'd rather not use spring, add DISABLE_SPRING=1 to your login file.


Underwear requires the latest version of Ruby.

Some gems included in Underwear have native extensions. You should have GCC installed on your machine before generating an app with Underwear.

Use OS X GCC Installer for Snow Leopard (OS X 10.6).

Use Command Line Tools for XCode for Lion (OS X 10.7) or Mountain Lion (OS X 10.8).

We use Capybara Webkit for full-stack JavaScript integration testing. It requires QT. Instructions for installing QT are here.

PostgreSQL needs to be installed and running for the db:create rake task.


If you have problems, please create a GitHub Issue.


