Unidom Common 常用领域模型引擎
Unidom (UNIfied Domain Object Model) is a series of domain model engines. The Common domain model engine includes the common models. Unidom (统一领域对象模型)是一系列的领域模型引擎。常用领域模型引擎包括一些常用的模型。
Recent Update
Check out the Road Map to find out what's the next. Check out the Change Log to find out what's new.
Usage in Gemfile
gem 'unidom-common'
Run the Database Migration
rake db:migrate
The migration versions starts with 200001. The migrations enabled the PostgreSQL uuid-ossp extension and the pgcrypto extension.
Include Concern in Models
include Unidom::Common::Concerns::ModelExtension
Unidom::Common::NULL_UUID # '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
Unidom::Common::MAXIMUM_AMOUNT # 1_000_000_000
Unidom::Common::SELF # '~'
Unidom::Common::OPENED_AT # Time.utc(1970)
Unidom::Common::CLOSED_AT # Time.utc(3000)
Unidom::Common::FROM_DATE # '1970-01-01'
Unidom::Common::THRU_DATE # '3000-01-01'
Model Extension concern
class Project < ActiveRecord::Base
include Unidom::Common::Concerns::ModelExtension
validates :name, presence: true, length: { in: 2..200 }
validates :audition_state, presence: true, length: { is: 1 }
belongs_to :customer
belongs_to :team
belongs_to :place
code :process, Process
# Process is a enum type per ProgneTapera,
# the typical values are: waterfall, agile, lean, scrum, extreme_programming, and etc.
# other fields: code, description
def kick_off(in: nil)
assert_present! :in, in
# An argument error is raised if in is blank.
self.place = in
Project.coded_as('JIRA').valid_at(Time.now).alive(true) # Same as Project.coded_as('JIRA').valid_at.alive
Project.included_by([ id_1, id_2 ]).excluded_by id_3
Project.created_after('2015-01-01 00:00:00')
Project.created_not_after('2015-01-01 00:00:00')
Project.created_before('2015-01-01 00:00:00')
Project.created_not_before('2015-01-01 00:00:00')
No-SQL Columns
class Project < ActiveRecord::Base
include Unidom::Common::Concerns::ModelExtension
notation_column :creator_comment, :last_updater_comment
notation_boolean_column :enabled
validates :creator_comment, allow_blank: true, length: { in: 2..200 }
validates :last_updater_comment, allow_blank: true, length: { in: 2..200 }
project = Project.new
project.creator_comment = 'My first project.' # Stored in project.notation['columns']['creator_comment']
project.valid? # true
Project.notation_column_where(:creator_comment, :like, 'first') # Fuzzy search the creator_comment column
Project.notation_column_where(:creator_comment, '=', 'My first project.')
project.enabled = true
project.enabled? # true
Project.notation_boolean_column_where(:enabled, true) # All enabled projects
Exact Columns
# db/migrate/YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_create_people.rb
class CreatePeople < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.0]
def change
create_table :people, id: :uuid do |t|
t.string :name, null: false, default: '', limit: 200
t.string :passport_number, null: false, default: nil, limit: 200
t.binary :identification_number_exact_signature, null: false, default: nil, limit: 80
t.binary :passport_number_exact_signature, null: false, default: nil, limit: 80
t.column :state, 'char(1)', null: false, default: 'C'
t.datetime :opened_at, null: false, default: Time.utc(1970)
t.datetime :closed_at, null: false, default: Time.utc(3000)
t.boolean :defunct, null: false, default: false
t.jsonb :notation, null: false, default: {}
t. null: false
add_index :people, :identification_number_exact_signature, unique: true
add_index :people, :passport_number_exact_signature, unique: true
# app/models/person.rb
class Person < ApplicationRecord
include Unidom::Common::Concerns::ModelExtension
attr_accessor :identification_number
# The identification number is not stored. Only the exact signature is stored like password.
exact_column :identification_number, :passport_number
# The passport number is stored in the clear text format.
# in any controller or rails console:
person = Person.new name: 'Tim', identification_number: '11010119901231001X', passport_number: 'E00000000'
Person.identification_number_is('11010119901231001X').first==person # true
Person.passport_number_is('E00000000').first==person # true
Secure Column
# db/migrate/YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_create_orderings.rb
class CreateOrderings < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.0]
def change
create_table :orderings, id: :uuid do |t|
t.string :placer_name, null: false, default: nil, limit: 200
t.string :taker_name, null: false, default: nil, limit: 200
t.string :receiver_name, null: false, default: nil, limit: 200
t.jsonb :placer
t.jsonb :taker
t.jsonb :receiver
t.binary :placer_identification_number_exact_signature, null: false, default: nil, limit: 80
t.binary :placer_mobile_phone_number_exact_signature, null: false, default: nil, limit: 80
t.binary :taker_identification_number_exact_signature, null: false, default: nil, limit: 80
t.binary :taker_mobile_phone_number_exact_signature, null: false, default: nil, limit: 80
t.binary :receiver_identification_number_exact_signature, null: false, default: nil, limit: 80
t.binary :receiver_mobile_phone_number_exact_signature, null: false, default: nil, limit: 80
t.column :state, 'char(1)', null: false, default: 'C'
t.datetime :opened_at, null: false, default: Time.utc(1970)
t.datetime :closed_at, null: false, default: Time.utc(3000)
t.boolean :defunct, null: false, default: false
t.jsonb :notation, null: false, default: {}
add_index :orderings, :placer_identification_number_exact_signature, name: :index_orderings_on_placer_identification_number
add_index :orderings, :placer_mobile_phone_number_exact_signature, name: :index_orderings_on_placer_mobile_phone_number
add_index :orderings, :taker_identification_number_exact_signature, name: :index_orderings_on_taker_identification_number
add_index :orderings, :taker_mobile_phone_number_exact_signature, name: :index_orderings_on_taker_mobile_phone_number
add_index :orderings, :receiver_identification_number_exact_signature, name: :index_orderings_on_receiver_identification_number
add_index :orderings, :receiver_mobile_phone_number_exact_signature, name: :index_orderings_on_receiver_mobile_phone_number
# app/models/orderings.rb
class Ordering < ApplicationRecord
include Unidom::Common::Concerns::ModelExtension
validates :placer_name, presence: true, length: { in: 2..columns_hash['placer_name'].limit }
validates :taker_name, presence: true, length: { in: 2..columns_hash['taker_name'].limit }
validates :receiver_name, presence: true, length: { in: 2..columns_hash['receiver_name'].limit }
validates :placer_address, presence: true, length: { in: 2..200 }
validates :taker_address, presence: true, length: { in: 2..200 }
validates :receiver_address, presence: true, length: { in: 2..200 }
validates :placer_identification_number, presence: true, length: { is: 18 }, format: Unidom::Certificate::China::IdentityCard::FORMAT_VALIDATION_REGEX
validates :taker_identification_number, presence: true, length: { is: 18 }, format: Unidom::Certificate::China::IdentityCard::FORMAT_VALIDATION_REGEX
validates :receiver_identification_number, presence: true, length: { is: 18 }, format: Unidom::Certificate::China::IdentityCard::FORMAT_VALIDATION_REGEX
validates :placer_mobile_phone_number, presence: true, length: { is: 11 }, numericality: { integer_only: true }, format: Unidom::Contact::China::MobilePhoneNumber::FORMAT_VALIDATION_REGEX
validates :taker_mobile_phone_number, presence: true, length: { is: 11 }, numericality: { integer_only: true }, format: Unidom::Contact::China::MobilePhoneNumber::FORMAT_VALIDATION_REGEX
validates :receiver_mobile_phone_number, presence: true, length: { is: 11 }, numericality: { integer_only: true }, format: Unidom::Contact::China::MobilePhoneNumber::FORMAT_VALIDATION_REGEX
exact_column :placer_identification_number, :placer_mobile_phone_number
exact_column :taker_identification_number, :taker_mobile_phone_number
exact_column :receiver_identification_number, :receiver_mobile_phone_number
secure_column :placer, fields: [ :placer_name, :placer_address, :placer_identification_number, :placer_mobile_phone_number ]
secure_column :taker, fields: [ :taker_name, :taker_address, :taker_identification_number, :taker_mobile_phone_number ]
secure_column :receiver, fields: [ :receiver_name, :receiver_address, :receiver_identification_number, :receiver_mobile_phone_number ]
# in any controller or rails console:
@placer_name = 'Tim'
@taker_name = 'Bob'
@receiver_name = 'Roy'
@placer_identification_number = '11022119801231999X'
@taker_identification_number = '350105199006184567'
@receiver_identification_number = '532307200001010003'
@placer_mobile_phone_number = '13987654321'
@taker_mobile_phone_number = '18812345678'
@receiver_mobile_phone_number = '17101020304'
@placer_address = 'Beijing'
@taker_address = 'Jiangsu'
@receiver_address = 'Guizhou'
@ordering = Ordering.new opened_at: Time.now,
placer_name: @placer_name,
taker_name: @taker_name,
receiver_name: @receiver_name,
placer_address: @placer_address,
taker_address: @taker_address,
receiver_address: @receiver_address,
placer_identification_number: @placer_identification_number,
taker_identification_number: @taker_identification_number,
receiver_identification_number: @receiver_identification_number,
placer_mobile_phone_number: @placer_mobile_phone_number,
taker_mobile_phone_number: @taker_mobile_phone_number,
receiver_mobile_phone_number: @receiver_mobile_phone_number
ordering_1 = Ordering.placer_identification_number_is(@placer_identification_number).valid_at.alive.first
ordering_2 = Ordering.taker_identification_number_is(@taker_identification_number).valid_at.alive.first
ordering_3 = Ordering.receiver_identification_number_is(@receiver_identification_number).valid_at.alive.first
ordering_4 = Ordering.placer_mobile_phone_number_is(@placer_mobile_phone_number).valid_at.alive.first
ordering_5 = Ordering.taker_mobile_phone_number_is(@taker_mobile_phone_number).valid_at.alive.first
ordering_6 = Ordering.receiver_mobile_phone_number_is(@receiver_mobile_phone_number).valid_at.alive.first
# @ordering should be identical to any of ordering_1, ordering_2, ordering_3, ordering_4, ordering_5, or ordering_6
binary = 'some string'
hex = Unidom::Common::Numeration.hex binary # "736f6d6520737472696e67"
# convert a binary (usually a string) to it's hex string
text = Unidom::Common::Numeration.rev_hex hex # "some string"
# convert a hex string to its text value
AES 256 Cryptor
class IdentityCard
include Unidom::Common::Concerns::Aes256Cryptor
attr_accessor :identification_number, :encrypted_identification_number
def initialize(identification_number)
self.identification_number = identification_number
@aes_256_key = OpenSSL::Cipher::AES.new(256, 'CBC').random_key
def encrypt_identification_number
encrypt identification_number, key: @aes_256_key
def decrypt_identification_number
decrypt encrypted_identification_number, key: @aes_256_key
def cryption_padding
# If the #cryption_padding method is missed, the default padding 9 is used instead
identification_number = '9527'
identity_card = IdentityCard.new '9527'
encrypted = identity_card.encrypt_identification_number
decrypted = identity_card.decrypt_identification_number
# The decrypted should equal to identification_number
# The AES 256 Cryptor also has the #hex_encrypt and the #hex_decrypt methods
MD 5 Digester
class IdentityCard
include Unidom::Common::Concerns::Md5Digester
attr_accessor :identification_number
def initialize(identification_number)
self.identification_number = identification_number
def digest_identification_number
digest identification_number, pepper: self.class.name
def hex_digest_identification_number
hex_digest identification_number, pepper: self.class.name
identity_card = IdentityCard.new '9527'
digested = identity_card.digest_identification_number
hex_digested = identity_card.hex_digest_identification_number
hex_digested == Unidom::Common::Numeration.hex digested # true
SHA 256 Digester
class IdentityCard
include Unidom::Common::Concerns::Sha256Digester
attr_accessor :identification_number
def initialize(identification_number)
self.identification_number = identification_number
def digest_identification_number
digest identification_number, pepper: self.class.name
def hex_digest_identification_number
hex_digest identification_number, pepper: self.class.name
identity_card = IdentityCard.new '9527'
digested = identity_card.digest_identification_number
hex_digested = identity_card.hex_digest_identification_number
hex_digested == Unidom::Common::Numeration.hex digested # true
SHA 384 Digester
class IdentityCard
include Unidom::Common::Concerns::Sha384Digester
attr_accessor :identification_number
def initialize(identification_number)
self.identification_number = identification_number
def digest_identification_number
digest identification_number, pepper: self.class.name
def hex_digest_identification_number
hex_digest identification_number, pepper: self.class.name
identity_card = IdentityCard.new '9527'
digested = identity_card.digest_identification_number
hex_digested = identity_card.hex_digest_identification_number
hex_digested == Unidom::Common::Numeration.hex digested # true
SHA 512 Digester
class IdentityCard
include Unidom::Common::Concerns::Sha512Digester
attr_accessor :identification_number
def initialize(identification_number)
self.identification_number = identification_number
def digest_identification_number
digest identification_number, pepper: self.class.name
def hex_digest_identification_number
hex_digest identification_number, pepper: self.class.name
identity_card = IdentityCard.new '9527'
digested = identity_card.digest_identification_number
hex_digested = identity_card.hex_digest_identification_number
hex_digested == Unidom::Common::Numeration.hex digested # true
SHA 1 Digester
class IdentityCard
include Unidom::Common::Concerns::Sha1Digester
attr_accessor :identification_number
def initialize(identification_number)
self.identification_number = identification_number
def digest_identification_number
digest identification_number, pepper: self.class.name
def hex_digest_identification_number
hex_digest identification_number, pepper: self.class.name
identity_card = IdentityCard.new '9527'
digested = identity_card.digest_identification_number
hex_digested = identity_card.hex_digest_identification_number
hex_digested == Unidom::Common::Numeration.hex digested # true
SHA 2 Digester
class IdentityCard
include Unidom::Common::Concerns::Sha1Digester
attr_accessor :identification_number
def initialize(identification_number)
self.identification_number = identification_number
def digest_identification_number
digest identification_number, pepper: self.class.name
def hex_digest_identification_number
hex_digest identification_number, pepper: self.class.name
identity_card = IdentityCard.new '9527'
digested = identity_card.digest_identification_number
hex_digested = identity_card.hex_digest_identification_number
hex_digested == Unidom::Common::Numeration.hex digested # true
Engine Extension concern
module EngineName
class Engine < ::Rails::Engine
include Unidom::Common::EngineExtension
enable_initializer enum_enabled: true, migration_enabled: true
ActiveRecord Migration Naming Convention
Domain Models (200YMMDDHHMMSS)
Ruby Gem | Migration | Model | Description |
unidom-common | 200001DDHHMMSS | - | The Common domain model engine includes the common models. 常用领域模型引擎包括一些常用的模型。 |
unidom-visitor | 200002DDHHMMSS | Identificating, Authenticating, Recognization, User, Guest, Password | The Visitor domain model engine includes Identificating, Authenticating, Recognization, Visitor (User & Guest), and Password models. 访问者领域模型引擎包括身份标识、身份鉴别、身份识别、访问者(用户和游客)、密码的模型。 |
unidom-category | 200003DDHHMMSS | Category, Categorizing, Category Rollup, Category Associating | The Category domain model engine includes Category and its relative models. 类别领域模型引擎包括类别及其相关的模型。 |
unidom-authorization | 200004DDHHMMSS | Permission, Authorizing | The Authorization domain model engine includes the Permission and Authorizing models. 授权领域模型引擎包括权限、授权的模型。 |
unidom-action | 200005DDHHMMSS | Reason, State Transition, Obsolescing, Acting | The Action domain model engine includes the Reason, State Transition, Obsolescing, and the Acting models. 审计领域模型引擎包括原因、状态迁移、废弃和行为日志的模型。 |
unidom-standard | 200006DDHHMMSS | Standard, Standard Associating | The Standard domain model engine includes the Standard model and the Standard Associating model. 标准领域模型引擎包括行为标准和标准关联的模型。 |
unidom-party | 200101DDHHMMSS | Person, Shop, Company, Government Agency, Party Relation | The Party domain model engine includes the Person, Shop, Company, Government Agency, and the Party Relation models. 参与者领域模型引擎包括个人、店铺、公司、政府机构、参与者关系的模型。 |
unidom-certificate | 200102DDHHMMSS | Certificating | The Certificate domain model engine includes the Certificating model. |
证书领域模型引擎包括证书认证的模型。 | |||
unidom-contact | 200103DDHHMMSS | Contact Subscription, Email Address | The Contact domain model engine includes the Contact Subscription and Email Address models. 联系方式领域模型引擎包括联系方式订阅和电子邮箱地址的模型。 |
unidom-geo | 200104DDHHMMSS | Location, Locating | The Geo domain model engine includes the Location and Locating models. 地理领域模型引擎包括位置和定位的模型。 |
unidom-article_number | 200201DDHHMMSS | Marking, EAN 13 Barcode, EAN 8 Barcode | The Article Number domain model engine includes Marking, EAN-13, and EAN-8 models. 物品编码领域模型引擎包括打码、EAN-13和EAN-8的模型。 |
unidom-product | 200202DDHHMMSS | Product, Product Associating | The Product domain model engine includes Product and Produt Associating models. 产品领域模型引擎包括产品和产品关联的模型。 |
unidom-price | 200203DDHHMMSS | Price | The Price domain model engine includes Price and its relative models. 价格领域模型引擎包括定价及其相关的模型。 |
unidom-shopping | 200205DDHHMMSS | Shopping Cart, Shopping Item | The Shopping domain model engine includes Shopping Cart and Shopping Item models. 购物领域模型引擎包括购物车和购物项的模型。 |
unidom-order | 200206DDHHMMSS | Order, Order Item, Order Adjustment | The Order domain model engine includes Order, Order Item, and Order Adjustment models. 订单领域模型引擎包括订单、订单项和订单调整的模型。 |
unidom-inventory | 200209DDHHMMSS | Serialized Inventory Item, Grouped Inventory Item, Lot, Inventory Item Variance | The Inventory domain model engine includes the Serialized Inventory Item, the Grouped Inventory Item, the Lot, and the Inventory Item Variance models. 库存领域模型引擎包括序列化库存项、分组库存项、批量和库存项变化的模型。 |
unidom-shipment | 200210DDHHMMSS | Shipment, Shipment Item, Shipment Package, Shipment Package Item, Shipment Receipt | The Shipment domain model engine includes the Shipment, Shipment Item, Shipment Package, Shipment Package Item, and Shipment Receipt model. 装运领域模型引擎包括装运、装运项、装运包裹、装运包裹项、装运收据的模型。 |
unidom-position | 200402DDHHMMSS | Occupation, Position, Post, Position Reporting Structure | The Position domain model engine includes the Occupation, Position, Post, and Position Reporting Structure models. |
职位领域模型引擎包括职业、职位、岗位及岗位报告关系模型。 | |||
unidom-accession | 200405DDHHMMSS | Post Fulfillment | The Accession domain model engine includes the Post Fulfillment and its relative models. 就职领域模型引擎包括岗位履行及其相关的模型。 |
unidom-stapar | 200601DDHHMMSS | Sample, Matching | The Statistical Approach of Pattern Recognition domain model engine includes the Sample and Matching and its relative models. 统计模式识别领域模型引擎包括采样、匹配的模型。 |
Country Extensions (200YMM9NNNMMSS)
The YMM part should be identical to the relative part of the Domain Models. The NNN is the numeric code of ISO 3166-1. The numeric code of China is 156.
- unidom-party-china: 2001019156MMSS
- unidom-certificate-china: 2001029156MMSS
- unidom-contact-china: 2001039156MMSS
- unidom-geo-china: 2001049156MMSS
unidom-common and its relative Ruby gems are configurable. Create your own config/initializers/unidom.rb
file in your project as following:
Unidom::Common.configure do ||
# The migrations inside the following namespaces will be ignored. The models inside the following namespaces won't be defined.
[:neglected_namespaces] = %w{
The Unidom::Party::Person, the Unidom::Visitor::User, and other models under the listed namespaces won't be defined. Their migrations won't run. But the models under the Unidom::Party::China namespace, if there is any, are defined, and their migrations will run as usual.