Unified logger that writes to a log file. Could eventually also write to a redis queue, mongo collection, and hoptoad.

Unilogger is composed at runtime of a Logger instance which delegates log messages to a set of emitters. The emitters do the actual work of sending log messages to stderr, a file, redis, or elsewhere.

Unilogger will initialize itself from a logger.yml or logger.yml.erb configuration file, if present.

The configuration file should contain an entry named after the current environment, e.g. “development”, “test”, “production”, etc.

Logger options

level: overall level; messages of severity less than this will not be emitted regardless of the level of the emitter. emitters: a list of emitters.

Standard (log file) emitter

kind: LogFileEmitter logdev: “stderr”, “stdout”, or a filename shift_age: “daily”, “weekly” or “monthly” to rotate based on the calendar

if rotating based on file size, number of files to keep
default 7

shift_size: a file size, to rotate based on the file size

default 1048576

Redis emitter

kind: RedisEmitter

Example logger.yml

stderr: &stderr

  logdev:     stderr

standard: &standard

  logdev:     "<%= ENV["RACK_ENV"] || "development" %>.log"
  shift_age:  daily


level:        0
emitters:     [ *standard ]


level:        1
emitters:     [ *stderr ]