

Upfluence-utils is an utility box for ruby ​​projects. Some important abstractions are:

  • Sentry error logger

  • Base Api Endpoint

  • Middlewares

  • Mixins


Add in your gemfile the gem 'upfluence-utils' and run bundle install

Sentry error logger

Upfluence-utils provides the tool to notify sentry when a ruby error is raised.

It is based on the 'sentry-ruby' sdk, you can check the documentation..

Upfluence-utils also already provides the basic configuration here so it works like 'plug and play' and you just have to be aware of the environment variables.

Base ApiEndpoint

The class APIEndpoint can be inherited from your new endpoint mapped class in you ruby project, so you can take advantage of some resources, like:

  • Healthcheck endpoint
  • Access token validation
  • Request body and serialize json_params
  • respond_with to easily serialize a body response
  • Base errors

You can inherit like:

class YourClassEndpoint < Upfluence::Endpoint::ApiEndpoint


Provide some utils for http requests, such as:

  • Headers builder
  • Cors
  • Prometheus logger
  • Base Exceptions


Based on the concept of mixins, these classes provide some good tools, like:

  • Pagination
  • StrongParameters (class to validate params received/sent on endpoint)

you can use mixins from upfluence-utils like:

    class YourClassEndpoint < AuthorizedEndpoint
      include Upfluence::Mixin::Pagination
      include Upfluence::Mixin::StrongParameters


For pagination, you can be inspired on this example:

[GET] /my_entity/?per_page=1&page=1
get '/' do
    payload:         my_entity_paginated, # this should return the paginated model, you can use active record methods to do that
    each_serializer: MyEntity::MyEntitySerializer, # serializer related to the model
    except:          %i[field], # some entity related you want to ignore on serialization
    root:            'my_entity'


For StrongParams mixin, you can be inspired like this example how to permit only some specific fields on POST request:

def create_params