
A convenience wrapper around an easy_upnp service to access content.


upnp_content_explorer is available on Rubygems. You can install it with:

$ gem install upnp_content_explorer

You can also add it to your Gemfile:

gem 'upnp_content_explorer'

What’s this for?

This gem makes it easy to explore and navigate content provided by a UPnP media server implementing the urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:ContentDirectory:1 service. At the moment, it relies on easy_upnp to interface with the UPnP server.

Example usage

Given an easy_upnp server identified by service, you can construct a content explorer as follows:

```ruby require ‘upnp_content_explorer’

explorer = UpnpContentExplorer::Explorer.new(service) ```

You can then do the following:

Get the contents of a directory

```ruby node = explorer.get(‘/Movies’)

node.children.map(&:title) # => [“Comedy”, “Horror”, “Suspense”]

node.items.map(&:title) # => [“Inside Out (2015).mkv”] ```

List the children of a directory

```ruby children = explorer.get(‘/Movies’).children

children.map(&:title) # => [“Comedy”, “Horror”, “Suspense”] ```

List the files inside of a directory

```ruby items = explorer.get(‘/Movies’).items

items.map(&:title) # => [“Inside Out (2015).mkv”] ```

Recursively scrape all content of a directory

```ruby movies = explorer.scrape(‘/Movies’)

movies.map(&:title) # => [“Inside Out (2015).mkv”, “Exorcist, The (1973).mkv”, “Seven (1995).mkv”, “Airplane (1980).mkv”] ```

Mounting at non-root directory

```ruby explorer.root_path #=> “/”

movies = explorer.get(‘/Movies’) explorer = UpnpContentExplorer::Explorer.new(service, root_id: movies.id) explorer.root_path #=> “/Movies” ```

Extracting metadata

To extract DIDL Lite metadata for an item, you should generally call Browse with the BrowseFlag parameter equal to 'BrowseMetadata', passing the ObjectID of the item in question. For example:

```ruby # Choose a random movie movie = explorer.scrape(‘/Movies’).sample

movie.title # => “Airplane (1980).mkv”

Get movie metadata

movie_metadata = service.Browse( ObjectID: movie.id, BrowseFlag: ‘BrowseMetadata’, Filter: ‘*’ )[:Result] # => … (Raw DIDL Lite metadata) … ```