United States Power Squadrons® Flag Generator

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This gem allows you to generate precise SVG and PNG flag images based on official specifications.



Add to your Gemfile:

gem 'usps_flags'

Create the file config/initializers/usps_flags.rb:

USPSFlags::Config.flags_dir "#{Rails.root}/app/assets/images/flags"


Run gem install usps_flags.

Run require 'usps_flags' then USPSFlags::Config.flags_dir "path/to/flags/dir" to specify where to output all generated files and logs. (Otherwise, will default to /output in the gem directory.)

Available flags

  • US Ensign
  • USPS Ensign
  • USPS Ensign Wheel logo
  • Officer flags
  • Officer insignia
  • Official pennants


Tests are written in Rspec. To run all specs in a cloned repo, run 'rake'.


All files

To generate all static files, run:

USPSFlags::Generate.all svg: true, png: true, zips: true
  • Boolean arguments specify whether to process that set of files.

Zip archives

To re-generate zip files from current static files, run:

USPSFlags::Generate.zips svg: true, png: true
  • Boolean arguments specify whether to process that set of files.

Individual files

To generate an individual SVG file, run:

USPSFlags::Generate.get "flag", outfile: nil, scale: nil, field: true
  • outfile specifies where to save the file. If left as nil, this method will puts the generated SVG. Either way, the SVG code is returned.
  • scale is a divisor scaling factor – the larger it is, the smaller the resulting SVG will be rendered. Accepted values are floats between 0 and 1, and integers above that.
  • field specifies whether to render the field of a flag, or to only render the insignia. Setting this to false will invert some colors for visibility.

Trident spec sheet

To generate the trident spec sheet, run:

USPSFlags::Generate.spec outfile: nil, scale: nil, fly: 24, unit: "in"
  • outfile specifies where to save the file. If left as nil, this method will puts the generated SVG. Either way, the SVG code is returned.
  • scale is a divisor scaling factor – the larger it is, the smaller the resulting SVG will be rendered. Accepted values are floats between 0 and 1, and integers above that.
  • fly specifies the custom fly measurement to scale all trident labels to.
  • unit specifies the custom fly measurement unit to append to all trident labels.

Convert SVG to PNG

To convert SVG data to a PNG image, run:

USPSFlags::Generate.png svg_data, outfile: nil, trim: false

# USPSFlags::Generate.png File.read("path/to/svg_image.svg"), outfile: "path/to/output.png", trim: false
# USPSFlags::Generate.png USPSFlags::Generate.get("LtC"), outfile: "path/to/output.png", trim: true
  • outfile is required, and specifies where to save the file.
  • trim specifies whether to trim blank space from around the image. (This is ideal for generating insignia.)


You can also construct individual flags using the following syntax:

f = USPSFlags.new do
  type "LtC"
  scale 3
  field false
  trim true
  svg_file "/path/to/svg/output.svg"
  png_file "/path/to/png/output.png"

f.svg # Generate SVG file
f.png # Generate PNG file
  • Calling any DSL method without argument, or with nil as argument will return the current value.
  • You can explicitly set svg_file to "" to suppress printing the SVG content to console/log.
  • Calling .png requires png_file to be set.


This gem is cryptographically signed. To be sure the gem code hasn’t been tampered with:

Add my public key as a trusted certificate:

gem cert --add <(curl -Ls https://raw.github.com/jfiander/usps-flags/master/certs/jfiander.pem)

Then install the gem securely:

gem install usps_flags -P HighSecurity


Actual images generated (other than the US Ensign) are registered trademarks of United States Power Squadrons.

This project is released under the GPLv3.