1cloud Vagrant Provider


vagrant-1cloud is a Vagrant provider plugin that supports the management of 1cloud VPS.

Features include:

  • Create and destroy VPS
  • Power on and off VPS
  • Provision a VPS with shell
  • Setup a SSH public key for authentication
  • Create a new user account during VPS creation
  • Create private network
  • Add VPS to private network
  • Rebuild VPS


Install the provider plugin using the Vagrant command-line interface:

vagrant plugin install vagrant-1cloud


Once the provider has been installed, you will need to configure your project to use it. See the following example for a basic multi-machine Vagrantfile implementation that manages two 1cloud VPS:

Vagrant.configure('2') do |config|

  config.vm.define "vps1" do |config|
      config.vm.provider :onecloud do |provider, override|
        override.ssh.private_key_path = '~/.ssh/id_rsa'
        override.vm.box = 'onecloud'
        provider.token = 'YOUR TOKEN'

  config.vm.define "vps2" do |config|
      config.vm.provider :onecloud do |provider, override|
        override.ssh.private_key_path = '~/.ssh/id_rsa'
        override.vm.box = 'onecloud'
        provider.token = 'YOUR TOKEN'


Configuration Requirements

  • You must specify the override.ssh.private_key_path to enable authentication with the VPS.
  • You must specify your 1cloud Personal Access Token at provider.token.

Supported Configuration Attributes The following attributes are available to further configure the provider:

  • provider.image
    • A string representing the image ID to use when creating a new VPS. It defaults to 7 (ubuntu-14-04-x64).
  • provider.region
    • A string representing the region to create the new VPS in. It defaults to SdnSpb.
  • provider.hdd
    • A number representing the disk space (in GB) to use when creating a new VPS (e.g. 50). It defaults to 10.
  • provider.hdd_type
    • A string representing the disk type to use when creating a new VPS (e.g. SSD). It defaults to SAS.
  • provider.cpu
    • A number representing the amount of cores to use when creating a new VPS (e.g. 2). It defaults to 1.
  • provider.ram
    • A number representing the RAM (in MB) to use when creating a new VPS (e.g. 1024). It defaults to 512.
  • provider.hi_perf
    • A boolean flag indicating whether to use high performance pool or not. It defaults to false.
  • provider.private_net
    • A hash representing the pair that indicates the private network name and IP address of a new VPS (e.g. => "" or => nil to set IP address automatically). VPS isn't added to private network by default.
  • config.vm.synced_folder
    • Supports both rsync_args and rsyncexclude, see the Vagrant Docs for more information. rsyncargs default to ["--verbose", "--archive", "--delete", "-z", "--copy-links"] and rsync_exclude defaults to [".vagrant/"].

The provider will create a new user account with the specified SSH key for authorization if config.ssh.username is set.


After creating your project's Vagrantfile with the required configuration attributes described above, you may create a new VPS with the following command:

$ vagrant up --provider=onecloud

This command will create a new VPS, setup your SSH key for authentication, create a new user account, and run the provisioners you have configured.

Supported Commands

The provider supports the following Vagrant sub-commands:

  • vagrant destroy - Destroys the VPS instance.
  • vagrant ssh - Logs into the VPS instance using the configured user account.
  • vagrant halt - Powers off the VPS instance.
  • vagrant provision - Runs the configured provisioners and rsyncs any specified config.vm.synced_folder.
  • vagrant reload - Reboots the VPS instance.
  • vagrant status - Outputs the status (active, off, not created) for the VPS instance.
  • vagrant create-network - Creates private network.
  • vagrant add-network - Adds VPS to specified private network.
  • vagrant rebuild - Rebuilds the VPS.


Before submitting a GitHub issue, please ensure both Vagrant and vagrant-onecloud are fully up-to-date.

  • For the latest Vagrant version, please visit the Vagrant website
  • To update Vagrant plugins, run the following command: vagrant plugin update

  • vagrant plugin install vagrant-onecloud

    • Installation on OS X may not working due to a SSL certificate problem, and you may need to specify a certificate path explicitly. To do so, run ruby -ropenssl -e "p OpenSSL::X509::DEFAULT_CERT_FILE". Then, add the following environment variable to your .bash_profile script and source it: export SSL_CERT_FILE=/usr/local/etc/openssl/cert.pem.


  • The Chef provisioner is no longer supported by default. Please use the vagrant-omnibus plugin to install Chef on Vagrant-managed machines. This plugin provides control over the specific version of Chef to install.