
This Vagrant plugin (forked from Naohiro Oogatta's vagrant-aws-route53) assigns an IP address (either public or private) of a virtual machine created via the vagrant-aws provider to a pre-created Route 53 record set. When the instance is created or started from a stopped state, its IP--its public IP by default, unless you set config.route53.ip_type = :private--will be applied to the record set's A record. When the instance is halted or destroyed, will be applied to the record set.


  • vagrant-aws

How to Install

$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-aws-route53-ng

Configuration Example

Vagrant.configure(VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION) do |config|       = 'dummy'

  config.vm.provider :aws do |aws, override|
    aws.ami                       = 'ami-AABBCCDD'
    aws.access_key_id             = ENV['AWS_ACCESS_KEY']
    aws.secret_access_key         = ENV['AWS_SECRET_KEY']
    aws.region                    = 'us-east-1'
    aws.instance_type             = 't2.medium'

    override.route53.hosted_zone_id = 'Z1JUXXXXXXXXXX'
    override.route53.record_set     = %w( A)
    override.route53.ip_type        = :public 

Thanks To

This fork of vagrant-aws-route53-ng was built as part of a project at DraftKings. They're always hiring for quality developers in the Boston region; if you're looking for a new gig, feel free to contact me and I'll happily forward you along.

vagrant-aws-route53 was originally developed by Naohiro Oogatta, and approximately 99.875% of the credit for this gizmo goes to him.