Hivemind Plugin for Vagrant
Use Vagrant without ever configuring a Vagrantfile!
A Vagrant plugin for users who want to use Vagrant, but don't want to be bothered with Vagrant configuration. This is ideal for developers who just want something up and running in seconds.
Create VM's with the least amount of knowledge
Hivemind provides the simplest of options for defining a VM: hostname, RAM allocation, and VM type.
Use the leanest base boxes
Make use of properly crafted base boxes with disk space optimization in mind. There's a box for your every need: server boxes or desktop boxes.
Networking is simple
The VM's are automatically connected in a private network and hostnames are resolvable using a simple mapping.
An existing installation of VirtualBox and Vagrant is required.
Run the following command to install the plugin:
$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-hivemind
Initialize the working directory: the Hive!
$ vagrant hivemind init
Create a VM in the working directory: a Drone in the Hive!
$ vagrant hivemind spawn -n drone001
Start a VM in the working directory: get the Drone to work!
$ vagrant hivemind up -n drone001
For a list of available stuff:
$ vagrant hivemind --help
Didn't I just say there's nothing to configure? No Vagrantfile, no Ruby config, no properties file!
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.