Vagrant Software Bridge Plugin

A plugin to configure a software bridge within a guest. This may be useful when simulating non-trivial network topologies with Vagrant guests, e.g., bridging VirtualBox internal networks.

The implementation relies on Vagrant's guest capabilities. Currently, the plugin supports only Debian-derived guests and in particular has been tested only on Ubuntu. However, contributions to add support for other guests are more than welcome.


Use vagrant plugin install:

$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-software-bridge


Setting up a software bridge is accomplished using the config.software_bridge.add gestures. The gesture takes similar parameters to, with some exceptions. Valid parameters are as follows:

  • interface The name of the bridge interface. The default is br0, br1, etc., with the counter being incremented with every bridge added.
  • bridge_ports An array of ports (or interfaces) to add to the bridge. The interfaces must already exist.
  • type Method of IP assignment. Valid values are "dhcp" and "static".
  • ip Required if type is "static". The IP address to be assigned to the bridge.
  • netmask Required if type is "static". The netmask to use for the bridge.

Note that the bridge plugin runs immediately after Vagrant network configuration, so bridge_ports can include interfaces configured using


Create a bridge that includes the interfaces eth0 and eth1, and assign it the static IP Assuming this is the first bridge to be added, its name will be br0.

config.software_bridge.add bridge_ports: ["eth0", "eth1"], type: static,
                           ip: "", netmask: ""

The config object in the example is what was passed by Vagrant to the config.vm.define block.


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request