
An easy way to execute SSH commands on your Vagrant image.


Add it to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'vagrant-ssh'

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install vagrant-ssh


To create an SSH connection to your Vagrant box:

@ssh ='')
@ssh.execute 'whoami'
=> I, [2015-07-13T16:42:25.127602 #82100]  INFO -- : Executing SSH command: whoami
=> I, [2015-07-13T16:42:25.142657 #82100]  INFO -- : vagrant

Running the tests

Before running the tests, you need to create the Vagrant VM.

$ rake create_vm

You can then run the tests.

$ rake spec

Afterwards, you may want to destroy the Vagrant VM created above.

$ rake destroy_vm