

This Vagrant plugin makes sure that there is a TUN/TAP device in a usable state.

There are a couple of reasons why /dev/net/tun could be unavailable after provisioning. One of them is that it could be that the base image you are using does not have the tun module loaded by default. Another is that updating and upgrading the machine during the provisioning stage has installed a new kernel and requires a reboot for the tun module to be successfully loaded. This plugin tries to automate all of that.

  1. Check if the TUN adapter exists and is in a usable state

  2. If not, create it with mkdir -p /dev/net && mknod /dev/net/tun c 10 200 && chmod 0666 /dev/net/tun

  3. If it still is not in a usable state, try to load the tun module into the kernel and check again

  4. If it is still not in a usable state, reboot the machine and check again


Install the plugin

$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-tun

Enable the plugin in your Vagrantfile

Vagrant.configure('2') do |config|
        config.tun.enabled = true


Install the build deps

sudo gem install bundler rake rspec simplecov

Run the tests

$ make test

Create the gemfile (package)

$ make
rake build
vagrant-tun 0.0.3 built to pkg/vagrant-tun-0.0.3.gem.

Install the built gemfile

$ make install
find pkg/ -name '*.gem' | head -n 1 | xargs vagrant plugin install
Installing the 'pkg/vagrant-tun-0.0.3.gem' plugin. This can take a few minutes...
Installed the plugin 'vagrant-tun (0.0.3)'!