
Ruby bindings for use with vanilli.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'vanilli-ruby'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install vanilli-ruby


Two classes are provided VanilliServer and VanilliClient.


This class provides a client API for interacting with a running vanilli server. The API has deliberately been kept as close as possible to the canonical javascript API with a few "rubifications" (snake case on method names for example). However, the API is close enough that providing extra documentation here is counter-productive - please see the javascript documentation.

Instantiating the client is straightforward:

require 'vanilli/client'

vanilli =



Of course, to be able to make use of the client one needs a vanilli server running to connect to. This can be achieved in a number of ways:

  • Start vanilli via its CLI

    npm install -g vanilli
    vanilli --port 9000
  • Start vanilli from javascript i.e. use the javascript API perhaps from some grunt/gulp/npm based task.

  • Use VanilliServer provided with this ruby gem This just acts as a wrapper around the vanilli CLI. Therefore you MUST have vanilli installed to your path for this to work. Once installed, start something like this:

vanilli_server = 9000,
                                  log_level: "debug",
                                  static_root: "/your/web/app/assets",
                                  static_include: ['**/*.html', '**/*.js', '**/*.css*', '/robots.txt'])


To try out the gem before releasing, build and then install the gem:

gem build vanilly-ruby.gemspec
gem install vanilli-ruby-VERSION.gem