vCloud Core
vCloud Core is a gem that supports automatated provisioning of VMWare vCloud Director. It uses Fog under the hood. Primarily developed to support vCloud Walker and vCloud Tools.
vCloud Core includes vCloud Query and a command-line wrapper for vCloud Query.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'vcloud-core'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install vcloud-core
vCloud Core is based around fog. To use it you'll need to give it credentials that allow it to talk to a vCloud Director environment.
- Create a '.fog' file in your home directory.
For example:
vcloud_director_host: ''
vcloud_director_username: 'username@org_name'
vcloud_director_password: ''
Obtain a session token. First, curl the API:
curl -D- -d '' \ -H 'Accept: application/*+xml;version=5.1' -u '<username>@<org_name>' \ https://<>/api/sessions
This will prompt for your password.
From the headers returned, the value of the x-vcloud-authorization
header is your
session token, and this will be valid for 30 minutes idle - any activity will extend
its life by another 30 minutes.
Specify your credentials and session token at the beginning of the command. For example:
You may find it easier to export one or both of the values as environment variables.
NB It is also possible to sidestep the need for the session token by saving your password in the fog file. This is not recommended.
vCloud Query
Get results from the vCloud Query API
vCloud Query is a light wrapper around the vCloud Query API.
Any, or all, records of a particular 'type' can be returned. These types map to entities in the vCloud system itself, eg: 'vm', 'vApp', 'orgVdc', 'edgeGateway'.
Filters can be applied, using a simple query syntax. See below for basic usage and examples.
Run with no arguments, it outputs a list of potential entity types to query, along with the potential record types to display (default 'records')
vcloud-query [options] [queriable type]
where [queriable type] maps to a vcloud entity type, eg: vApp, vm, orgVdc
NB: examples assume FOG_CREDENTIAL or FOG_VCLOUD_TOKEN has been set accordingly.
# Get a list of vApps, in YAML
vcloud-query -o yaml vApp
# Get general usage info
vcloud-query --help
# Get a list of all queriable entity types
# Get all VMs with VMware Tools less than 9282, that are not a vApp Template:
vcloud-query --filter 'vmToolsVersion=lt=9282;isVAppTemplate==false' vm
- Returning a list of queriable types (eg vm, vApp, edgeGateway) from the API
- Displaying all vCloud entities of a given type
- Filtering the results of the query based on common parameters such as:
- entity name
- metadata values
- key entity parameters
- Limiting the output to certain fields (eg: name, vmToolsVersion)
- Returning results in TSV, CSV, and YAML
Query Syntax:
Summary of filter query syntax:
attribute==value # == to check equality
attribute!=value # != to check inequality
attribute=lt=value # =lt= less than (=le= for <=)
attribute=gt=value # =gt= greater than (=ge= for >=)
attribute==value;attribute2==value2 # ; == AND
attribute==value,attribute2==value2 # , == OR
Parentheses can be used to group sub-queries.
Do not use spaces in the query
Entity metadata queries have their own subsyntax incorporating the value types:
See for details.
The vCloud API
vCloud Tools currently use version 5.1 of the vCloud API. Version 5.5 may work but is not currently supported. You should be able to access the 5.1 API in a 5.5 environment, and this is currently supported.
The default version is defined in Fog.
If you want to be sure you are pinning to 5.1, or use 5.5, you can set the API version to use in your fog file, e.g.
vcloud_director_api_version: 5.1
export EXCON_DEBUG=true
- this will print out the API requests and responses.
export DEBUG=true
- this will show you the stack trace when there is an exception instead of just the message.
Run the default suite of tests (e.g. lint, unit, features):
bundle exec rake
Run the integration tests (slower and requires a real environment):
bundle exec rake integration
You need access to a suitable vCloud Director organization to run the integration tests. See the integration tests README for further details.
- Fork it
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b my-new-feature
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin my-new-feature
) - Create new Pull Request