200 => {:short_message => 'OK', :message => 'The request is valid and was completed. The response includes a document body.'},
201 => {:short_message => 'Created', :message => 'The request is valid. The requested object was created and can be found at the URL specified in the Location header.'},
202 => {:short_message => 'Accepted', :message => 'The request is valid and a task was created to handle it. This response is usually accompanied by a Task element.'},
204 => {:short_message => 'No Content', :message => 'The request is valid and was completed. The response does not include a body.'},
303 => {:short_message => 'See Other', :message => 'The response to the request can be found at the URL specified in the Location header.'},
400 => {:short_message => 'Bad Request', :message => 'The request body is malformed, incomplete, or otherwise invalid.'},
401 => {:short_message => 'Unauthorized', :message => 'An authorization header was expected but not found.'},
403 => {:short_message => 'Forbidden', :message => 'The requesting user does not have adequate privileges to access one or more objects specified in the request.'},
404 => {:short_message => 'Not Found', :message => 'One or more objects specified in the request could not be found in the specified container.'},
405 => {:short_message => 'Method Not Allowed', :message => 'The HTTP method specified in the request is not supported for this object.'},
500 => {:short_message => 'Internal Server Error', :message => 'The request was received but could not be completed because of an internal error at the server.'},
501 => {:short_message => 'Not Implemented', :message => 'The server does not implement the request.'},
503 => {:short_message => 'Service Unavailable', :message => 'One or more services needed to complete the request are not available on the server.'}