Class: Vedeu::Borders::Repository Private

Repositories::Repository show all
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This class is part of a private API. You should avoid using this class if possible, as it may be removed or be changed in the future.

Allows the storing of interface/view borders independent of the interface instance.

Instance Attribute Summary

Attributes inherited from Repositories::Repository

#model, #storage

Method Summary

Methods inherited from Repositories::Repository

#all, #by_name, #current, #find, #find!, #find_or_create, #initialize, #inspect, #log_store, #registered?, #remove, #repository, #store, #valid_model?

Methods included from Repositories::Store

#each, #empty?, #exists?, #in_memory, #registered, #size

Methods included from Repositories::Storage

#reset!, #storage

Methods included from Common

#absent?, #array?, #boolean, #boolean?, #empty_value?, #escape?, #falsy?, #hash?, #line_model?, #numeric?, #positionable?, #present?, #snake_case, #stream_model?, #string?, #symbol?, #truthy?, #view_model?

Methods included from Repositories::Registerable


Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from Vedeu::Repositories::Repository