Verat Gem Version Dependency Status

Verat is a gitflow CLI manager. It is inspired in Vincent Driessen's branching model and his plugin gitflow


$ gem install verat



To start a new feature run this command, FEATURE will be the name of your new feature.

verat feature start FEATURE

Once you finished the feature run this command. It will checkout to your develop branch and merge the feature branch into develop.

verat feature finish FEATURE


To start a new hotfix run this command, HOTFIX will be the name of your new feature.

verat feature start HOTFIX

Once you finished the hotfix run this command. It will checkout to master branch, merge the hotfix branch and then checkout to the develop branch and merge the hotfix branch.

verat feature finish HOTFIX


To start a new release run this command, RELEASE will be the version of the release.

verat release start RELEASE

Once you finished the release run this command. It will checkout to master branch, merge the release branch and then checkout to the develop branch and merge the release branch.

Optionally you can pass the --no-tag to prevent that Verat creats automatically a tag, so you can later make the tag by yourself.

verat release finish RELEASE