Viper Module Generator G version

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Gem to generate VIPER modules to use them in your Swift projects The implementation scheme returned by this generator is hardly inspired in the example and post of, .


Changelog 0.2.23

  • 날짜 포맷을 바꿈.

Changelog 1.0.1

  • g command 추가.
  • generate or g 사용시 --path 인자를 지정하지 않으면 현재 폴더에 생성하도록 수정

Changelog 1.0.2

  • g/generate command에 --base 추가. base에는 ViewController의 base class를 지정한다. 디폴트값은 UIViewController이다.
  • ViewController 소스에 viewWill/DidAppear, viewWill/DidDisappear 추가

Viper files structure

+-- DataManager
|   +-- VIPERDataManager.swift
+-- Interactor
|   +-- VIPERInteractor.swift
+-- Presenter
|   +-- VIPERPresenter.swift
+-- ViewController
|   +-- VIPERViewController.swift
+-- WireFrame
|   +-- VIPERWireFrame.swift
+-- Protocols
|   +-- VIPERProtocols.swift

How to install vipergeng ?

You can install it easily as using the gem. With ruby installed in your OSX execute:

sudo gem install vipergeng

If everything were right, you should have now the vipergeng command available in your system console

How to generate a VIPER module with a given name?

You have just to execute the following command

--path 지정을 하지 않으면 현재 폴더에 생성.

vipergeng generate MyFirstViperModule --path=~/myproject/shared


vipergeng g MyFirstViperModule

Another example:

vipergeng generate MySecondViperModule --path=~/myproject/shared --author='My Name' --company='My Company' --project='project name --base=MyBaseViewController'

And then the files structure will be automatically created. Don't forget to add this folder to your project dragging it into the XCode/Appcode inspector

Developer tips

Update the gem

When the gem is updated it has to be reported to the gem repository. I followed this tutorial that basically says that once you have your gem ready execute:

gem build vipergeng.gemspec
gem install vipergeng-0.1.gem
gem push vipergeng-0.1.gem

Then you'll be asked for your credentials in order to make the update in the repo ( ``

Add a new template

Are you interested in VIPER and you would like to contribute with this gem adding new templates? Feel free to do it. It's pretty easy. You've just to:

  • Create a folder inside templates with the name of your template
  • You'll have to create inside the templates in Swift (get inspired from existing templates)
  • Use the word VIPER where you want the name to be replaced in.
  • Remember to add the file viperspec.yml with the description of your template as below: yaml author: pepi author_email: [email protected] template_description: Default template with the simplest structure using VIPER updated_at: 2014-08-24
  • Report it as a PR in this repo updating the gem version in Gemspec.

VIPER 참조 사이트



If you have any doubt about the gem or even if you want to make any suggestion you can do it directly to my email address, [email protected] . You can use the issues Github page too