Class: Volt::Cursor

ArrayModel show all
Defined in:

Instance Attribute Summary

Attributes inherited from ArrayModel

#array, #options, #parent, #path, #persistor

Method Summary

Methods inherited from ArrayModel

#+, #<<, #append, #attributes, #buffer, #delete, #fetch_first, #find_one, #first, #initialize, #inject, #inspect, #new_array_model, #new_model, proxy_to_persistor, proxy_with_root_dep, #to_a

Methods included from StateHelpers

#loaded?, #loaded_state

Methods included from StateManager

#change_state_to, #state_for

Methods included from ModelHelpers

#deep_unwrap, #event_added, #event_removed, included

Methods included from ModelWrapper

#wrap_value, #wrap_values

Methods inherited from ReactiveArray

#+, #<<, #==, #[], #[]=, #all?, #any?, #clear, #count, #delete, #delete_at, #each, #empty?, #initialize, #insert, #inspect, #method_missing, #select, #size

Methods included from Eventable

#on, #remove_listener, #trigger!

Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from Volt::ArrayModel

Dynamic Method Handling

This class handles dynamic methods through the method_missing method in the class Volt::ReactiveArray