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Automation daemon.


  • Ruby >= 1.9.3
  • An AWS account (you'll need to create)


Gem installation

gem install vscripts



Global Options

-h|--help: Displays VScripts help.
-v|--version: Displays the version number.


  1. Tags2Facts This command can only be run on an AWS EC2 instance. It looks for all tags associated with it and dumps them in a JSON file. By default this file is /etc/facter/facts.d/ec2_tags.json. It can be overridden with the --file argument. The Name and Domain tags are excluded by default because this command is intended to add Facter facts and these 2 already exist in Facter. This behaviour can be overridden by adding [-a|--all] command line option.


    --file, -f <s>: The file that will store the tags (default:
    --all,  -a: Collect all tags
    --help, -h: Shows help


    $ vscripts tags2facts
    $ vscripts tags2facts --file /tmp/my_tags.json --all
  2. Identify This command creates a themed host name and fully qualified domain name for the server, using AWS EC2 tags. The default theme is Group-Role-# which means that the command collects the value of the Group and the Role AWS EC2 tags (if they are associated with the instance). Additionally, the value of the Domain tag is also collected so the resulting new host name will be MYGROUP-MYROLE-#.MYDOMAIN. These tags can be any existing EC2 tags. # is used as a placeholder for a number. This number starts at 1, and, in case other similarly named instances exist in the current AWS account, it will be incremented accordingly. Once a new host name is composed, both /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts are modified on the local instance and a new Name EC2 tag is created and associated with the current instance.

    If a --host argument is provided it will override the default theme. DOMAIN is still looked up.

    If a --domain argument is provided it will override the default domain.


    --ec2-tag-theme, -e <s>: Theme (default: Group-Role-#)
    --host, -n <s>: Host name
    --domain, -d <s>: Domain
    --help, -h: Shows help


    $ vscripts identify
    $ vscripts identify --ec2-tag-theme NAME-#
    $ vscripts identify --host myhost --domain example.com


  1. Fork it ( https://github.com/vghn/vscripts/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request