

Name Type Description Notes
contents Array<VapiStdLocalizableMessage> List of the 1. issues addressed since previous/current version 2. new features/improvements
services_will_be_stopped Array<ApplianceUpdateServiceInfo> List of the services that will be stopped and restarted during the update installation.
eulas Array<VapiStdLocalizableMessage> List of EULAs. This list has multiple entries and can be dynamic based on what we are actually installing.
staged Boolean Is the update staged
description VapiStdLocalizableMessage
priority ApplianceUpdateCommonInfoPriority
severity ApplianceUpdateCommonInfoSeverity
update_type ApplianceUpdateCommonInfoCategory
release_date DateTime Update release date.
reboot_required Boolean Flag indicating whether reboot is required after update.
size Integer Download Size of update in Megabytes.