Class: Watir::HTMLElement
- Defined in:
- lib/watir-webdriver/elements/generated.rb
Direct Known Subclasses
Anchor, Applet, Area, BR, Base, BaseFont, Body, Button, Canvas, Command, DList, DataList, Details, Device, Directory, Div, Embed, FieldSet, Font, Form, Frame, FrameSet, HR, Head, Heading, Html, IFrame, Image, Input, Keygen, LI, Label, Legend, Map, Marquee, Media, Menu, Meta, Meter, Mod, OList, Object, OptGroup, Option, Output, Paragraph, Param, Pre, Progress, Quote, Script, Select, Source, Span, Style, Table, TableCaption, TableCell, TableCol, TableRow, TableSection, TextArea, Time, Title, Track, UList, Unknown
Constant Summary
Constants included from AttributeHelper
Method Summary
Methods inherited from Element
#==, #attribute_value, #click, #double_click, #driver, #element, #exists?, #fire_event, #flash, #focus, #hash, #html, #initialize, #inspect, #parent, #present?, #right_click, #run_checkers, #send_keys, #style, #tag_name, #text, #to_subtype, #value, #visible?, #wait_until_present, #wait_while_present, #when_present
Methods included from AttributeHelper
#attribute_list, #attributes, #typed_attributes
Methods included from Container
#a, #abbr, #abbrs, #address, #addresses, #area, #areas, #article, #articles, #as, #aside, #asides, #audio, #audios, #b, #base, #bases, #bdi, #bdis, #bdo, #bdos, #blockquote, #blockquotes, #body, #bodys, #br, #brs, #bs, #button, #buttons, #canvas, #canvases, #caption, #captions, #checkbox, #checkboxes, #cite, #cites, #code, #codes, #col, #colgroup, #colgroups, #cols, #command, #commands, #datalist, #datalists, #dd, #dds, #del, #dels, #details, #dfn, #dfns, #div, #divs, #dl, #dls, #dt, #dts, #element, #elements, #em, #embed, #embeds, #ems, #fieldset, #fieldsets, #figcaption, #figcaptions, #figure, #figures, #file_field, #file_fields, #font, #fonts, #footer, #footers, #form, #forms, #frame, #frames, #h1, #h1s, #h2, #h2s, #h3, #h3s, #h4, #h4s, #h5, #h5s, #h6, #h6s, #head, #header, #headers, #heads, #hgroup, #hgroups, #hidden, #hiddens, #hr, #hrs, #html, #htmls, #i, #iframe, #iframes, #image, #images, #img, #imgs, #input, #inputs, #ins, #inses, #is, #kbd, #kbds, #keygen, #keygens, #label, #labels, #legend, #legends, #li, #link, #links, #lis, #map, #maps, #mark, #marks, #menu, #menus, #meta, #metas, #meter, #meters, #nav, #navs, #noscript, #noscripts, #object, #objects, #ol, #ols, #optgroup, #optgroups, #option, #options, #output, #outputs, #p, #param, #params, #pre, #pres, #progress, #progresses, #ps, #q, #qs, #radio, #radios, #rp, #rps, #rt, #rts, #rubies, #ruby, #s, #samp, #samps, #script, #scripts, #section, #sections, #select, #select_list, #select_lists, #selects, #small, #smalls, #source, #sources, #span, #spans, #ss, #strong, #strongs, #style, #styles, #sub, #subs, #summaries, #summary, #sup, #sups, #table, #tables, #tbody, #tbodys, #td, #tds, #text_field, #text_fields, #textarea, #textareas, #tfoot, #tfoots, #th, #thead, #theads, #ths, #time, #times, #title, #titles, #tr, #track, #tracks, #trs, #ul, #uls, #var, #vars, #video, #videos, #wbr, #wbrs
Methods included from XpathSupport
#element_by_xpath, #elements_by_xpath
Constructor Details
This class inherits a constructor from Watir::Element
Dynamic Method Handling
This class handles dynamic methods through the method_missing method in the class Watir::Element