StaticAssets Middleware
To install it, run:
sudo gem install wbzyl-sinatra-static-assets -s
To use, include it in a Sinatra application:
require 'rubygems'
gem 'static-assets-middleware'
require 'rack/static_assets'
When you will need this gem?
In short, whenever two or more applications are deployed to sub-URI with Phussion Passenger.
This means, that we want these applications to be mounted
under one host,
in the example below:
See Phusion Passenger users guide, Deploying a Rack-based Ruby application, Deploying to a sub URI.
How to fix broken images/CSS/JavaScript URIs in sub-URI deployments
Some people experience broken images and other broken static assets when they deploy their application to a sub-URI (i.e. The reason for this usually is that you used a static URI for your image in the views. This means your img source probably refers to something like /images/foo.jpg. The leading slash means that it's an absolute URI: you're telling the browser to always load no matter what. The problem is that the image is actually at There are two ways to fix this.
The second and highly recommended way is to always use Rails helper
methods to output tags for static assets. These helper methods
automatically take care of prepending the base URI that you've
deployed the application to. For images there is image_tag
, for
JavaScript there is javascript_include_tag
and for CSS there is
. In the above example you would simply remove the
HTML tag and replace it with inline Ruby like this:
<%= image_tag("foo.jpg") %>
This will generate the proper image tag to
so that your images will always work no matter what sub-URI you've deployed to.
Deploying to a sub URI
Add to /etc/hosts: localhost.localdomain localhost sinatra.local
Sym link the application:
ln -s ~/public_git/forks/sinatra-static-assets/examples/app1/public /srv/www/sinatra/app1
ln -s ~/public_git/forks/sinatra-static-assets/examples/app2/public /srv/www/sinatra/app2
Add to /etc/httpd/conf.d/sinatra.conf
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName sinatra.local
DocumentRoot /srv/www/sinatra
RackBaseURI /app1
RackBaseURI /app2
Now, goto to http://sinatra.local/app1
or http://sinatra.local/app2
- Append a timestamp to the URI to better facilitate HTTP caching. For more information, see the Rails API docs.