Web packaging for Rails

This gem is a glue to stick underlying web_package mechanism into Rails 3+ apps. It provides a way to extend existing routes in Rails application with .sxg formats. That is, for each known path /articles/foo the library handles /articles/foo.sxg path out of the box.

Required environment variables

For an http exchange to be signed a certificate with a special "CanSignHttpExchanges" extension must be provided. For testing purposes you may use just a self-signed one. Please refer to web_package docs to create such.

Also, an endpoint must be set up serving the certificate in application/cert-chain+cbor format. You can use gen-certurl tool from here to convert PEM certificate into this format.

Having done the above-said we are ready to assign env vars required to use the gem:

export SXG_CERT_URL='https://my.cdn.com/cert.cbor' \
       SXG_CERT_PATH='/local/path/to/cert.pem' \

Please note, that the variables are fetched during class initialization. And failing to provide valid paths will result in an exception.


First, please ensure the above environment variables are set up all right.

Next, add the gem into your Gemfile:

gem 'web_package-rails'

And run bundle install command.

That's it. Once added, the gem will hook into your Rails initialization process to prepend middleware stack with WebPackage::Middleware.

What is inside

The gem is just a rack middleware comprising a lightweight scanner of request paths for the presence of .sxg extension. If found, the path is cleared of it, and modified request url is then passed further down the middleware stack to be handled as if no extension was ever given.

In case .sxg extension is not detected - the requests are simply proxied intact.


Fork it, create your feature branch from develop, make changes and create new Pull Request. Please do not forget tests.


Web package for Rails is released under the MIT License.