Webflow Build Status


This is an active fork of the great webflow-ruby gem. webflow-ruby gem still works for Webflow API v1. If you're looking for a similar gem API (method names) but for Webflow API v2, try webflow-rb api-v2 branch.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'webflow-rb'

And then execute:


Or install it yourself as:

gem install webflow-rb


Check out lib/webflow/client.rb.

Check the official Webflow API v2 documentation at: https://developers.webflow.com/reference/list-collection-items

Basic usage:

client = Webflow::Client.new(ENV.fetch('WEBFLOW_API_TOKEN'))
sites = client.sites

Here are method signatures:

def sites
def site(site_id)
def publish(site_id)
def collections(site_id)
def collection(collection_id)
def list_items(collection_id, limit: 100, offset: 0)
def list_all_items(collection_id)
def get_item(collection_id, item_id)
def create_item(collection_id, data)
def update_item(collection_id, item_id, data)
def delete_item(collection_id, item_id)


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome! If you're missing certain functionality, please open an issue or create a pull request.

To run all the tests (RuboCop linter and minitest tests), run bundle exec rake.


  • webflow_sync - Keep Rails models in sync with WebFlow collections.

Thanks and Credits

This gem wouldn't be possible without the amazing work of webflow-ruby gem. Thank you, @phoet and @sega!


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.