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WebifyRuby - Haskell Webify bindings gem for Ruby and Rails Applications

Latest version: 0.1.2

Generated HTML preview


Option #1: Install executables depending on your system

You can find compiled executables for Linux 32, Linux 64, Mac OS X 64, Win 32 here


Option #2: Compile Haskell application for your desired OS from here


Add to your Gemfile

gem 'webify_ruby', '~> 0.1.2'

or git for development version

gem 'webify_ruby', :git => 'git://github.com/dachi-gh/webify_ruby.git'

You can require a library to use in your Ruby application

require 'webify_ruby'

You don’t have to do so if you’re using rails as bundler can do it for you

Bundler.require(:default, Rails.env)

Make a Rake task for a quick example

namespace :webify_ruby do
  desc 'Convert a file and distribute'
  task :convert, [:source, :dir_fonts, :dir_css] => :environment do |t, args|
    pp WebifyRuby::Convert.new(
      dir: args.dir_fonts,
      css: args.dir_css

and run it as

$ rake webify_ruby:convert['my_fonts/sample.ttf','demo/convert','demo/css']

If successful you should get find converted files under created directory demo/convert and stylesheet css file with relative links under demo/css directory


Convert and place in the same directory

Convert constructor requires one parameter at least, which is a ttf or otf file


This should normally generate svg, woff and eot and place all four fonts in the same directory without css

Convert and place in desired directory

Constructor can take a directory parameter

WebifyRuby::Convert.new('fonts/font.ttf', dir: 'webfonts')

This example creates webfonts directory if necessary and puts four webfont files there

Generate stylesheets along the fonts

It is possible to pass a parameter to the class constructor, so it knows you want stylesheets too

WebifyRuby::Convert.new('fonts/my_font.ttf, css: 'stylesheets/fonts')

Would create a stylesheets directory if necessary and place my_font.css with relative urls

Generate stylesheet with custom urls

There might be cases when you’re working with subdomains for example and relative urls are not for you

WebifyRuby::Convert.new('fonts/my_font.ttf, css: 'stylesheets/custom', link_to: 'http://fonts.example.com')

Writes a my_font.css file under stylesheets/custom directory with custom url prepended to filename, like this:

@font-face {
font-family: 'my_font';
src: url('http://fonts.example.com/my_font.eot'); 
src: url('http://fonts.example.com/my_font.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),
     url('http://fonts.example.com/my_font.svg#my_font') format('svg'),
     url('http://fonts.example.com/my_font.woff') format('woff');
font-weight: normal;
font-style: normal;

Get stylesheet without creating files

You might need a css styles to write to a file by yourself, in this case you need to look for returned values

convert = WebifyRuby::Convert.new('fonts/my_font.ttf, css: true, link_to: 'http://example.com/fonts')
puts convert.styles

would result in

> puts convert.styles
@font-face {
font-family: 'my_font';
src: url('http://fonts.example.com/my_font.eot'); 
src: url('http://fonts.example.com/my_font.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),
     url('http://fonts.example.com/my_font.svg#my_font') format('svg'),
     url('http://fonts.example.com/my_font.woff') format('woff');
font-weight: normal;
font-style: normal;
=> nil

So you can make use of generated styles according to your needs

Values that you get after converting

You might need to know about directory names or other information that library operates on. After initializing a Convert class, you get an object that should have everything you need. An example is here

2.1.0-preview1 :028 > convert = WebifyRuby::Convert.new('public/fonts/my_font.ttf',
css: 'my_dir_css',
link_to: 'http://example.com/my_dir_fonts')
 => #<WebifyRuby::Convert:0x007fbc1af6fd00
    @command="webify my_dir_fonts/d20140211-56782-4cglvv/my_font.ttf",
    @output="Generating my_dir_fonts/d20140211-56782-4cglvv/my_font.eot
    Generating my_dir_fonts/d20140211-56782-4cglvv/my_font.woff
    Generating my_dir_fonts/d20140211-56782-4cglvv/my_font.svg
    Available cmaps
    PlatformId | EncodingId | Description                                        
    0          | 3          | Unicode 2.0 and onwards semantics, Unicode BMP only
    1          | 0          | Macintosh Roman 8-bit simple                       
               | 1          | Microsoft Unicode BMP (UCS-2)
    Selecting platformId 3 encodingId 1 -- Microsoft Unicode BMP (UCS-2)",
    @styles="@font-face {
    font-family: 'my_font';
    src: url('http://example.com/my_dir_fonts/my_font.eot');
    src: url('http://example.com/my_dir_fonts/my_font.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),
         url('http://example.com/my_dir_fonts/my_font.svg#my_font') format('svg'),
         url('http://example.com/my_dir_fonts/my_font.woff') format('woff');
         font-weight: normal;\nfont-style: normal;

That way you can for example know a generated directory path by running




If you have trouble launching WebifyRuby, please make sure you are requiring rake, first

2.1.0-preview1 :003 > require 'rake'
 => true 
2.1.0-preview1 :004 > require 'webify_ruby'
 => true


HTML demo file creation has been added

Gem Author

Dachi Natsvlishvili [email protected]


  1. Add support for kerning option

  2. Add support for desired output files

