WebPurify RubyGem

This gem allows simple interaction with the WebPurify API using Ruby. For more information about WebPurify and the services it offers, check out http://webpurify.com/.


Text Filters
Image Filters

Install & Initialize

gem install webpurify

or with bundler

gem webpurify

bundle install

Initialize with

@wp = WebPurify::Client.new('my_api_key')


@wp = WebPurify::Client.new({
  api_key:    'my_api_key',
  endpoint:   :us,    # can be :us, :eu, :ap (defaults to :us)
  enterprise: false,  # true for ssl (default false, enterprise key required)



Check a string of text for profanity. Returns true if profanity found, false if none.

puts @wp.check('some profane text')


Check a string of text for profanity. Returns number of words if profanity found, 0 if none.

puts @wp.check_count('profane text')


Check a string of text for profanity. Replaces any found profanity with a provided symbol, and returns the formatted string.

puts @wp.replace('profane text', '*')


Check a string of text for profanity. If any found, returns an array of profane words. Else, returns empty array.

p @wp.return('profane text')

Text Filter Options

All text filter commands can take an additional options object, just before the callback. The available options are:

options = {
  lang:   'en', # the 2 letter language code for the text you are submitting
  semail: 1,    # treat email addresses like profanity
  sphone: 1,    # treat phone numbers like profanity
  slink:  1     # treat urls like profanity

puts @wp.check('some profane text', options)


Add a word to the blacklist.


For Deep search, add optional parameter 1 after word:

@wp.add_to_blacklist('my_awesome_word', 1)


Remove a word from the blacklist.



Get the blacklist as an array of words.

p @wp.get_blacklist


Add a word to the whitelist.



Remove a word from the whitelist.



Get the whitelist as an array of words.

p @wp.get_whitelist


Submit an image to the moderation service. Returns an image ID that is used to return the results of the moderation to a callback function.

puts @wp.imgcheck(imgurl)

imgcheck Options

imgcheck can take an additional options object. The available options are:

options = {
  customimgid: 1   # Custom ID that will be associated with the image
  callback:    url # Callback URL that will receive a GET request once the image has been moderated

puts @wp.imgcheck(imgurl, options)


Check the moderation status of an image. Returns one of the following strings: pending, approved, declined.

puts @wp.imgstatus(imgid)

imgstatus Options

imgstatus can take an additional options object. The available options are:

options = {
  customimgid: 1 # Custom ID that is associated with the image

puts @wp.imgstatus(imgid, options)


Check the number of image submissions remaining on your license. Returns an integer.

p @wp.imgaccount


  • Handle error responses
  • Tests