WeeblyBundler v0.1.0

WeeblyBundler is a CLI tool created to enable Weebly Platform Developers to rapidly deploy their apps and upload their themes.

gem install weeblybundler

Installing via Source

Download the source code

git clone [email protected]:weebly/weeblybundler.git

Change to source directory and install dependencies (including bundler)

cd weeblybundler

gem install bundler

bundle install

Install the gem in your current gemset by running gem install with a path to the pkg/weeblybundler-0.1.0.gem in the gem's source directory.

gem build pkg/weeblybundler.gemspec

gem install pkg/weeblybundler-0.1.0.gem

Good to go!


Uploading Apps

Before uploading apps, you must first set your client id and client secret as environment variables. You can find these values on your app's page in the developer-admin.

export WEEBLY_CLIENT_ID=client_id && export WEEBLY_SECRET=secret

Now you can use the app command to sync your local changes to your app.

weeblybundle app /Path/To/Element/Directory

To make things even easier, you can use the --watch flag to watch your app directory for changes. Whenever a file is added, updated, or deleted from your app directory, the changes will be automatically synced.

weeblybundle app /Path/To/Element/Directory --watch

Every time you sync your changes, the current version of your app will be updated. If you decide to change the app's version before syncing your changes, a new app version will appear in developer-admin, in addition to your old app version.

Once you have installed your app to a site from the developer-admin, you can sync your app using weeblybundle and view your changes in the editor by refreshing the page.

Uploading Themes

Before uploading themes, you must first set your email, site_id, and site_token. You can retrieve the site_id and site_token from your editor under Settings->General->Platform API Token.

export [email protected] && export WEEBLY_SITE_ID=site_id && export WEEBLY_TOKEN=token

Then upload the theme by using:

weeblybundle theme /Path/To/Theme

Similar to apps, you can use the --watch flag to watch your theme directory for changes. Whenever a file is added, updated, or deleted from your theme directory, the changes will be automatically synced.

weeblybundle theme /Path/To/Theme --watch

You can then see your uploaded theme under Themes->Custom.

Happy Bundling!

For developer support and questions, contact us at [email protected].